➸ Doesn't Matter About Looks ➸ Castiel

Start from the beginning

"Hi, um I like your eyes. They're very blue, like the ocean. I love the ocean, and the beach." You start to ramble since you're nervous. You then mentally curse at yourself, a stranger comes up to you and starts completing you on your eyes? It was such a cringing sentence a shiver went down your spine. The woman seems to pay no thought to it and turns her head around when she sees my face her whole face brightens up.

"Y/n? I've been looking everywhere for you! Dream worlds are extensive." She jumps up from the bench and hugs you tight. You are riddled with confusion, being self aware in the dream.

"I-I can control myself in my dream. I can feel myself sleeping yet I'm hearing, dreaming, and moving. This is so weird. Oh and I'm sorry I don't know who you are, and how do you know my name. And what is going on?" You spurt out in a big sentence becoming confused with what is happening in your dream.

"Y/n, it's me Castiel. I had to get a new person to use because the old one wore out. I'm sorry I couldn't find a male that looked like my old one. I did find a female that looks exactly like my old male one, but it's female."

"Castiel? I don't understand? Where are you? You've been missing for months. Where have you been? What happened?" Tears start to build up behind your eyes in confusion. You don't know if this is really Castiel or not.

"I'm almost to your motel, where you, Dean and Sam are staying at. Don't move and I'm be there soon. I'm sorry I have to go, I love y-" Castiel starts to fade into a blur and the words start to run. Now you're only meet with blackness and you start to sleep without a dream.

"Castiel!" You scream, practically jumping out of the bed. Sam jumps out of his sleep in the bed next to yours. His eyes are open with fear and worry, already at my bed holding my hand.

"What's wrong, y/n? Are you feeling better? Castiel?" Sam blurts out questions and you gap like a fish out of water.

"It was Castiel. He came to me in a dream, but it wasn't really a dream." Your head starts to spin and your throat goes dry. You quickly gulp water down from the cup Sam gave you earlier. "It was like a lucid dreaming. I was aware I was dreaming. Castiel said he was coming for me. He said to stay where I am until he comes back."

Sam rubs your leg in a comforting manner. "Okay, we'll stay here until Dean comes back at least. Then we'll talk to him about it."

"Where is Dean?" You question and lean back into the pillows with your eyes closed, you feel sick to your stomach. You have this consuming feeling that you're going to throw up.

"Still at the bar I'm assuming. He should be back soon, it's past noon." Sam looks at his phone then gets up from the side of your bed. "I'll text him to come here asap."

"Thanks, Sam." You breathe out heavy, trying not to throw up. Or die. You are breaking out in sweats, massive headache, stomach sloshing around, and you don't really feel grounded. You feel like you're flowing through time and space.

"I'll let you sleep, you don't look so good. I hope you get better, y/n." Sam kisses you on the forehead and gives your shoulder a little squeeze. He goes over to his computer and continues his work. You feel a little relieved with Sam watching over you and taking care of you. You sigh in contempt even though you feel like your dying. You eventually dose off away from the pain.

"Y/n," You hear someone whisper into your ear. You groan and turn to the other side away from the person. "Y/n, wake up. It's Castiel, he's here."

You jump up from your bed with hast and sleep is still in your eyes. You quickly gaze to see the person from your dreams, black long hair and bright blue eyed girl. You instantly wake up a little with just the sight of her knowing who she really is. You jump up and race over to Castiel, giving him a mind numbing kiss until your heart is about to give out.

"Oh Castiel, I've missed you so much." Your eyes start to water with tears as you hug him tight, scared he'll disappear into thin air in your arms. "I thought I would never see you again."

"I'm so sorry y/n, I'll never leave you again." He kisses your forehead and digs his head into your neck. Now that Castiel is in a woman host you're about the same height.

"Does this mean we get to have sleepover now and do each other's hair?" You smile and laugh trying to lighten the mood. You still have unshed tears in your eyes while you touch his now long and voluminous hair.

"If that's what you want, y/n. But are you sure you're alright with my new form?" Castiel gazes at you with worry in his blue eyes. They're almost the same exact blue color but this girl's in just a little bit lighter.

"It doesn't matter about looks, Castiel. I only care about you." You lean in and kiss Castiel again on the lips, not ready to let him go just yet.

Wow so I'm here and not dead (surprisingly) and I updated so be happy. A plus tard, ami! (Wow I know French, how interesting)

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