Chapter Five : "This Is Only The Beginning Babe"

Start from the beginning

"Come on you stupid little bitch . We know your in here!" i saw two pairs of black leather boots enter the shack . A loud deep voice blew through the wooden walls and i couldn't move . 

"You come out now , we'll just talk nicely and we can get this done . Don't come out we'll set this place a light" another higher voice shook through the room and i didn't know if they were just saying it but i can't risk it . Can i ? I had no idea what to do until i just knew that Jason would want this place kept safe . Being near the field and all . I slowly snuck out from where i was hiding . 

"I'm here" i shook with my legs feeling like jelly . The snapped round to me , smiles playing on their sly lips . 

"There's a good girl" the guy smirks . His blue jacket winkling as he grabbed my upper arm . He dragged me out of the shack and over to where i saw Jason and the group of people also all in blue jackets . 

"What are you doing?!" Jason boomed as he looked at me in shock as if i was a ghost or something . I looked at him with sad and gloamy eyes . I couldn't risk losing everything he had . 

"You got yourself a looker McCan i must say" a tall guy with black hair smirks , looking me up and down . 

"Get your eyes off of me you disgusting fucker!!" i screamed . 

"A mouth to , you do pick the bitches don't you J" he spat . 

"Don't you talk about her like that!" Jason shouted right up in his face . 

"Don't tell me , you've actually come to care for the girl?" he started to laugh , his shuddering chuckle gave me shivers all over . I hardly know this guy and i already hate him . 

"Even if i did , it would be none of your business Charlie!!" Jason snarls as he dumps his cig on the ground and twists his foot down on it . 

"You know what my business here is don't you though McCan" a twisted smile forming on 'Charlies' face . "You've got something that I want!" 

"And what would that be McCan!" Jason smirked , wait why would he be calling Charlie McCan ? What the heck ? 

"Mom's dove necklace . I know you have it brother" brother ? Oooooooh now i get it . 

"I don't know what your talking about and i certainly . Don't . Have it" Jason gasped as the words 'Mom's Dove Neckalce' slipped out of Charlie's mouth . I knew then that something was up with him. 

"You don't Jason ? How about now? Brendon!" i was instantly pushed to my knees , an aching sensation taking over them . I looked up at 'Brendon' who was rummaging in his pocket . I was scared i admit  , i was frightened to death . Even more so when i saw he pulled out a hand gun to my head , pulling my hair causing me in wince . I began to feel my eyes tear up and i shot a pleading look at Jason . Tears pouring down my face but trying to hold my sobbing in  , my lips drawn to a line . Brendon pulled my head back by my hair again vigorously . I squealed then as he put the gun to my head , pushing it into my scalp . 

"Now , i'm going to ask you again Jason . Where is it?" Charlie hissed in Jason's face . 

"Fine Charlie . I'll go get it jeesh" Jason huffed . What the heck did he just give in to without even thinking about it . I watched him wonder off . Suddenly he kicked Brendon in the balls causing him to release me. I let out a groan as i was shoved to the floor , my hair falling in my face .  

"Run Ash" he screamed .  I nodded as i got up from the ground . We began sprinting through the field with Jason in front of me . 

"What are you doing don't just stand there , go kill them you idiots!" I heard Charlie scream and the whole gang came charging after us , gun fires shooting everywhere , luckily failing to hit one of us . We hid behind a hay stack fortunately far away enough so he could explain a little about what the heck was going on . 

"That necklace Ash . Don't get mad but , it's round your neck!" i eyes widened to large O's as i looked down finding a silver dove hanging around me . 

"No no no . I'm taking--" 

"Please Ash . I put it on you while you were sleeping the first night you stayed , you know before we even knew each other , before we were friends . There were rumors around town that he was back and i instantly knew what he wanted . I knew he'd come so i put it on you because i just thought you were some bitch who would run away with it . This is why i need you ok . Your in with me on this now , you need to stick with me , ok  . I'm sorry " he kept looking over to the stampede of people then back over to me breathing heavily in and out . 

"Jason i can't--"

"Yes you can ! They won't suspect it's on your neck!" 

"Is this what you've had planned this whole time!" i hiss as i bite my lip , feeling to necklace in my hands . 

"No Ash! It was just in case , i didn't know he was going to come like today! I just knew he'd come some time . It was just for precaution . It's very valuable Ash , that's why he wants it . Please you have to stick with me on this!" it then hit me that there was no turning back , ever . This was huge and i am part of this now . I nodded quickly as he helped me back up . We ran into a near by forest . We hid in some covering trees , watching them all run past in anger . 

"Damn it !" we then saw Charlie cursing under his breathe as he trailed after them . Jason watched him with daggers . We waited till he was fully out of the way before we started to speak again . 

"Why does he want it for again?" i sigh .

"I don't know probably trade it in for money and then get some shit with it . Guns  , bombs and shit like that" Jason huffed rubbing the back of his neck .


"God i don't know Ash , would you like to go up to him and ask?" he hissed .

"No thanks" i scoffed and folded my arms .

"Then stop with all the fucking questions" .

We sat there for what felt like forever until i couldn't help but let another question slip out . "What do we do now?" i quiver as i look at him with fear written all over my face . 

"Well we can't go back" he sighs as he ran his fingers through his hair . "Come on we'll have to find somewhere to camp for the night" he sighs again deeper as he grabs my hand , dragging me behind him . I gasp as he walk hand in hand . He snaps around to me "Don't flatter yourself . You dawdle as slow as fuck!" he smirks as he turns back around and drags me further into the woods .

I have no idea what's going to happen next but this is sure to finally be an adventure i was hoping for . The necklace is beautiful there's no denying that and it was silly to ask why it had so much value. The one thing crazily enough i couldn't get off my mind was what Jason meant when he Charlie asked him if he cared for me : "Even if i did it would be none of your business" . What did that even mean . "You ok back there , your slowing up?" Jason smirks . 

"Just a bit shaken up" i smirk back . 

"This is only the beginning babe , we'll be on the run for a while" 


Sooooooooo . That was some dramatic stuff huh . Ash got a gun pointing to her head , how about that ? Me thinks this shit just got real ! Haha hope you enjoyed it remember i'll probably be posting every other day so don't miss out :) God i'm so excited for this fan fic , there's going to be some real explosions if you know what i mean ;) xxx - Tezney xoxox 

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