Chapter 6

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*Later that Night*

I was getting dressed for the lacrosse game tonight when my phone vibrated on my desk.
It was a text from Stiles.

Stiles: Im on my way, be ready!

Me: Okay, see you soon

Stiles: ❤️

Me: ❤️

Stiles was pretty much my second older bother. He just wasn't as protective as Scott. So yeah we say I Love You, and text each other hearts. But its not like it means anything
besides best friends.

I put a grey Nike sweatshirt on and grabbed my phone off the table.

"Scott! You ready!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

He came downstairs holding a red gym bag while pulling his jersey over his head.

I heard another two honks come from the front yard, just like this morning.

I grabbed Scott's lacrosse stick and went out the door, Scott on my heels.
He climbed in the passenger seat and I crawled into the back.

"Okay now we just have to pick up Liam." Scott said as he shut his door
Stiles peered over his seat and wiggled his eyebrows, smirking at me.
I blushed and looked at my knees, a smile creeping onto my

Scott laughed, "Just drive, Stiles."


We picked up Liam and he crawled into the back with me.

"Hey." I looked up at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey beautiful." He slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in, kissing my temple.

"So who are you guys playing again?" I asked, Scott told me earlier but I guess I forgot.

"Devenford Prep." Stiles answered.

"Your old school?" I looked up at Liam.

"Yeah." he exhaled, sounding nervous.

"You'll do great." I elbowed him in the ribs playfully, "and if you start to feel edgy, just think about me." I giggled.

He squeezed my shoulders tighter, and I could feel him become less tense.

"You two are cute," Stiles laughed, "really really cute."


We got to the school and Stiles parked the jeep relatively close to the field. Everyone started making our way to the field.
I handed Scott his stick and sat on the bleachers behind our team's bench.
Liam sat infront of me on the bench and started to tie his cleats.

He was pulling his gloves on and I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
"Go kick ass out there." I smiled at him.

"What if i need a little more power." He said, smirking at me.

I smiled and leaned forward again, putting my lips to his.

This was my first kiss, but I'm not sure I'd count it. The setting wasn't right, we weren't sitting comfortably- it just could've been... better.

I pulled away and smiled at him again, "Now, go kick ass out there."

"No problem." He winked at me and pulled his helmet over his head, then ran off with the rest of his team.

I sat there for a minute until two girls sat down on either side of me, it was Lydia and Malia.

"You two need to stop being so adorable!" Lydia shoulder bumped me, making me giggle.

"Seriously, I don't know who didn't see that. It was pretty cute." Malia said.

"Wait, people were watching?" I said worried

"Yeah! Both teams stopped to watch the show." Lydia smirked.

"Oh god." My face dropped.

"What, whats wrong?" Malia asked.

"If both teams saw, that means Scott saw!" I started freaking out a bit

"Why's that such a problem? Your 15, you should be allowed to kiss your boyfriend." Lydia reassured me

"You know what, your right. He can't control me ALL the time. I should be able to make my own decisions." I sat up straight.

"That a girl. Just don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll understand." Lydia turned to focus on the game that was about to start.

Just because I was still a bit paranoid, I tried to listen in to what Scott was saying to Stiles.

"He freaking kissed my sister!" Scott whisper shouted to Stiles.

"Uh actually she, yeah, she kissed him." Stiles corrected him.

"Really?" Scott seemed shocked.

"Dude, she's 15, I think she's old enough to kiss her boyfriend."

"You know, your probably right."

"Bro when am I not right?" Stiles threw in a sarcastic comment.

"Lets just focus on lacrosse right now." Scott had calmed down.

I took a huge sigh of relief as Liam walked over to them and they all high fived.


We were winning by only two points, pretty impressive considering over half the opposing team looked like they were on some major steroids.
Not to mention almost every time Stiles got the ball he slipped and fell.

The game was about over, and now we were tied 9-9.

The referee put the ball down in between Liam and Brett, Devenford Prep's strongest, and as it looks, best player.
The whistle blew and Liam and Brett's helmets clashed, both fighting for the ball.

Ultimately Liam ended up winning over the ball, and he took off down the field running towards Devenford's goal.
The entire Beacon Hills side of the bleachers stood up and were chanting Liam's name as he dodged these huge players that were twice his size.

He threw the ball and it went right in between the goalie's legs, hitting the net.
The scoreboard switched to 10-9 and everyone cheered.

Liam pulled his helmet and gloves off and threw his arms in the air, a huge smile on his cute little face.
I stood up and jumped off the bleachers and onto the wet grass.

Liam spun around and saw me, then we both took off into a sprint towards eachother.

We reached each other and I jumped into his strong, padded arms.
He spun me around and hugged me tight.

"You kicked ass out there!" I yelled over the cheering crowd that had dispersed onto the field.

"Because of you." He said back.

I smiled again and he pulled me in, kissing my lips- properly this time.

This one was the one; this one was perfect.
I noticed a camera flash go off as we stood there, me in his arms, our lips closed together. We pulled away and looked in the direction of the flash, and saw Lydia standing about 5 feet away from us, phone in hand.
And to my surprise, Scott was looking over her shoulder at the picture she had taken.
A crooked smile spread across his cheeks and he held a thumbs up at me.

I laughed and laid my head on Liam's shoulder.

This night could not get better.

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