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"This... seriously... the honeymoon suite?" Jin asked incredulously after opening our hotel room with the key card his aunt had given him.

"I mean... it looks cozy." I giggled, stepping past him and heading straight for the glass front in the living room, from where you could admire the beautiful snowy landscape glistening softly under the light of the full moon.

"Oh... wow." he now whispered in awe as he stepped behind me, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I think your aunt gave us the room more for the view." I explained and he nodded slightly before blowing little kisses on my neck.

"But... that doesn't mean we can't still have a hot night here." he whispered seductively in my ear.

"Jinnie?" I asked extra cutely, remembering our time together and knowing how to trigger something in him that I'd been missing for years.

"Huh?" he mumbled questioningly.

"Are you spoiling me?" I pouted slightly and was already being spun around and held firmly by the shoulders.

"May I?" his eyes grew wide and a smile stole across his face as I nodded excitedly.

"As you wish, my lady." he replied, which made me giggle happily. I loved that he could be so gallant.

"Wait here." He gently pushed me into a comfortable armchair in front of the fireplace, in which a cozy fire was already crackling, and then disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. Quiet music was playing from the speakers and I could hear water splashing.

"Come on darling, I've run us a bath." Again, the way he spoke made the corners of my mouth turn up and I let myself be pulled along without resistance. Jin had prepared the bath well, the tub was filled with a fragrant bubble bath, candles provided soft light and there was a bottle of champagne on ice in a champagne cooler.

"That looks... very romantic." I praised him with a smile.

"Do you need help getting undressed?" he grinned cheekily, which I returned with a grin.

"I can just about manage that myself." I replied as I simply let my dress slide to the floor. My bra and panties followed, but Jin stood rooted to the spot, completely oblivious to the fact that he had to undress too, caught up in staring at me. As I slowly climbed into the tub, he cleared his throat and hurried to undress and follow me into the water. The tub was big enough for two people to lie in comfortably, but while I relaxed and slid all the way in, Jin sat upright, facing me, where he took my feet and placed them on his legs.

"That was something I always missed... Our bathing together..." he confessed and I nodded slightly.

"Yes... No one has ever managed to relax me as much as you." I agreed, earning his cute smile again.

"I just like to see you happy and content... and if I'm the reason for it, then that makes me happy too." he explained quietly and my throat almost tightened with emotion.

"You're really good at that." I praised him and sipped from the glass he had just poured me. Under the water, he began to stroke my legs, which made me sigh contentedly.

"You know... I can help you relax even more... I saw that they have massage oil here." he offered enticingly.

"You want to give me a massage after my bath?" I asked delightedly, because Jin had magical hands and his massages were heavenly.

"Oh yes... and when you're nice and soft and naked in front of me... sighing the whole time because I'm kneading you sensually... then I'll show you some other relaxation techniques." he promised and just the thought of it made my lips melt in my imagination...

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