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We made the bed and packed up all our stuff again, then went down to the taproom where Namjoon picked up the phone and called his guard to get someone to get us out of here. While he talked, I made us ramen with vegetable broth for breakfast and packed some more provisions.

"They're coming with two snowmobiles they can take us on, they should be there in about 1-2 hours." he informed me and I was really glad that we didn't have to trudge through the snow again.

"And I've called Seokjin to let everyone know we're okay." he added, which made me nod with relief. They had probably all been worried because we hadn't come home and our cell phones weren't reachable.

"Then we'll have another leisurely meal and tidy everything up so we don't leave a mess behind. I've also put a letter with money on the till, that should be enough to cover the food, the overnight stay and the broken window," I replied.

"Then they'll probably get it twice, because I put some on the counter." Namjoon laughed, but what the heck, we had been warm and didn't have to go hungry, the night here had saved our lives, we would have frozen to death outside, so a little compensation was definitely in order.

"It was really nice here, our date was adventurous, but also cozy... except for the walking... As much as I'd like to stay here, I'll be glad when we're back in civilization. But... how cool would it be to go on a secluded vacation like this with everyone?" I asked and he grinned.

"You miss the others, don't you?" he wanted to know and I nodded.

"Yeah... funny, all these years I've repressed thinking about them... but since knowing the truth and seeing everyone again, since you took me... it just changed everything and my heart hurts at the thought of not being able to see even one of you anymore... Yes, it was only one night, but you've spoiled me in the last few days," I sulked. He took me in his arms and didn't say anything else, seeming lost in thought himself. We sat like that until we heard the sound of the engine outside. We put on our warm clothes and got ready. There was a knock and two forestry officers stood at the door, we took our rucksacks and went out to them. One of them took out a key and locked the door.

"You were really lucky to have found shelter here, it was a heavy snowstorm, there are still a few hikers missing, we don't have much hope of finding them unharmed," said the other, an older man.

"The hut here is run by my brother, I was only just able to pick him up yesterday, I'm glad you kept the electricity on, it tends to cut out in storms like this... " the first now explained.

"Unfortunately, we had to break a window to get in, but we left money for the damage," said Namjoon and the man made a dismissive gesture.

"Survival always comes first and the house is insured, it's all good," he said and climbed onto the snowmobile. We each climbed on the back of one of them and held on tight while they drove quickly but carefully back to the parking lot. It was no comparison at all to the ordeal on foot, we were back at the car so quickly it was as if the distance was nothing. As I got down with shaking legs and thanked the man, I turned around and saw seven figures wrapped up in warm jackets and hats standing next to Namjoon's car, which strangely had no snow on it. I had actually expected that we would have to dig out his car, but the others had probably already done that. As there were three other cars free of snow with Namjoon's, they had probably dug out the wrong ones first.

Suddenly a whirlwind came running towards me and swept me into a pile of snow... My little brother sobbed as he hugged me to him.

"Noona, I thought you were going to turn into Anna and become an ice sculpture." He gave me a peck on the cheek and I looked at him and wondered which one of us was adopted...

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