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"You... who gave you the right to be mad at me?" I came very close to him and poked my finger into his chest. His confident aura wobbled and he blinked in surprise.

"You're the one who was engaged and didn't see fit to inform me, to tell me that I was just your mistress... that nothing could ever have come of us since your wedding date was even set.... Your mother and your fiancée were kind enough to bring me my invitation in person. It was a very interesting conversation, how I had to let your mother talk down to me... how she called me a penniless employee, a nobody, a nothing who wasn't worthy of you... that Juni was the daughter of a CEO and better suited for you... that you should become chief of police one day and that wouldn't happen with a small manager... but laughable was your little fiancée's face when she recognized me as she tried to stop your mother in a panic... since her oh-so-great CEO father was on my father's payroll, since the company was just one of many owned by my family. Did your mother realize I was from THE Choi family? The eldest of the Choi children? The one who will follow her father? Why am I doing these jobs and working my way up without anyone knowing I'm the Choi heir? I want to move up myself and learn without bias and so far I've fought my way into the COO position with no connections, just my ability and then your mother comes along thinking she's old money nobility from a third rate Kdrama and can threaten me? Deems me unworthy of you... even wanted to bribe me with money? Oh... you didn't know either, is that why you look like a donkey in front of a salami butcher? Do you really think I have to make statements to ruin your career? If I'd wanted that, I'd have gone to the police committee and said I wanted my brother on the job and he'd have put you on eternal patrol duty, where all you'd have done is check the ID of hookers and take corpses of booze to the drunk tank. But I'm not such a vindictive person, I just left quietly, disappeared from your life so that no one would stand in the way of you and your fiancée." The pure horror was visible on his face and he gasped several times and had to swallow before he could say anything. His face was suddenly whiter than Yoongi's and I could see horror in his eyes.

"But... if you know all this, then... you also know that I tried to break the engagement long ago because it was made without my consent... I never wanted to marry Juni, I only wanted you..." he tried to explain himself, but I gasped.

"If you really loved me, you would have told me about it and not kept everything a secret, you would have been honest with me... It hurt me so much that you never wanted to introduce me to your family and that made me think you were playing me until you got married and then threw me to the wind... I felt so cheap." I reproached him and his eyes looked remorseful and became wet with tears.

"Baby... I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you, I just didn't want to lose you, that's why I waited... I didn't know about my mom, I thought you just ran away.... She beat me to it, I had already planned everything, a vacation to Jeju where I would have told you everything and proposed to you... I had even already arranged everything with my father, he called off the engagement with June... my mother must have tried to get rid of you as a last resort... which worked. Please... believe me, you were always the only one for me, you weren't my mistress, Juni was just a nobody to me... please... forgive me." he knelt in front of me and covered his ears, begging for forgiveness and I can't deny how good that felt right now...

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