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"I'll tell you right now, I'm way too full for sex," I warned him and heard him laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack if I move around too much now... We'll just cuddle and fall asleep." he suggested and I nodded with relief.

"I need to get out of these clothes now before they explode..." I said, rubbing my visible food baby.

"Go and have a shower, I'll find you something of mine and then I'll join you." With that, he ran into his bedroom while I entered the bathroom and peeled myself out of my tight clothes. I turned on the water and just let it run over me as I leaned against the wall with my eyes closed.

"Baby... if I have to wash you, you're risking my life because I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from eating you for dessert." he said laughing softly and I opened my eyes to grin at him.

"Yah Min, am I not worth the risk?" I replied with mock indignation.

"Yes, of course, but I'm afraid that if I lie on top of you, all stuffed up with more meat, because I've eaten what feels like 10 kilograms of meat, you'll just burst open because you're also well stuffed. I can live with my death... um wait, that doesn't make sense... I can deal with my death, but not yours..." he explained to me seriously, which made me laugh this time.

"Alright, I'll let you get away with it and wash myself," I said, giggling. We finished quickly and when I put on Yoongi's comfortable sweatpants and the much too big shirt, surrounded by his familiar smell, I immediately felt much more comfortable. Exhausted, we fell into his bed, then he pulled me into his arms and tucked us in.

"Shall we leave a movie on in the background that we don't pay any attention to and then fall asleep five minutes later?" he asked me, to which I grinned at him.

"Just like before... Yes please..." I said happily, we had often ended the evenings like this and it always created such a cozy atmosphere.

"He didn't even look at what he was turning on, he just pressed the remote control and then turned it down so that you could hear but still fall asleep. Then he kissed my lips and closed his eyes.

"Yoongi..." I started.

"Hmmm?" he just mumbled.

"Thank you... today... it really exceeded all expectations... you went to so much trouble... I thought it was beautiful." I whispered and saw the corners of his mouth lift gently and he opened his eyes again.

"It makes me happy when you're happy, so this was all for me really.... Now go to sleep." he mumbled, slightly embarrassed, and then I gave him a little kiss on the lips.

"I love you... and no matter what happens to the others... I'll never let you go again," I promised him.

"Good, because I wasn't planning on ever leaving you again either, if need be I'll just superglue us together." he promised, which made me giggle again.

"Good night, my love." I called him for the first time since we broke up, which deepened his smile.

"Good night baby... I love you too..." he got quieter with each word, then I heard him breathing evenly and snuggled up to him, only to slip away immediately too.

It was already light when I opened my eyes, we were still cuddled up together but Yoongi seemed to have been awake for longer and was staring at me.

"I'd be ready for sex now." he announced and I almost laughed out loud as I rubbed my eyes.

"I don't doubt that at all...but can I please wake up and brush my teeth first?" I asked him, giggling, but he shook his head.

"No, I'm not letting you leave here now." he said firmly and lowered his head to kiss me, but just as our lips touched, his cell phone rang. He tried to ignore it, but it rang again and again, so he answered it.

"Jin... What a surprise, you're interrupting." he complained when he heard the voice on the other end, which seemed to get louder after his greeting. Yoongi sat up and looked at his cell phone in irritation, then held it up to his ear again.

"Yes hyung, I'm sorry hyung..." he answered him with widened eyes, then hung up. I looked at him questioningly.

"Let's get dressed, he says I have to hand you over to him in two hours at the latest, otherwise I'll have to sleep in the basement... and I believe him, the way he said it... why is he so creepy sometimes?" Yoongi asked resignedly.

"Well, that's when he unwraps the hyung card, he rarely does, but when he does... he's got you in his pocket." I replied with a laugh, while Yoongi wrinkled his nose disapprovingly.

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