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"Don't you owe us a few explanations?" Jin asked me now, but I just looked at him angrily.

"I don't owe you anything. Who I want to be with and who I don't want to be with is my decision. If I left one of you, it was always for a reason. It was all your own fault. You don't have the right to keep me here. Please let me go." I demanded, but no one gave the slightest impression of loosening my bonds.

"So you don't want to talk to us?" asked Namjoon.

"No, I want to get out of here, that's all." I looked him in the eye with determination, he looked at me for a while, then stood up. 

"Well, we'll see if you'll talk to us when your hunger gets big enough." he grinned spitefully at me and at that moment I realized that my stomach actually felt empty as I had missed my dinner and had no idea how long I had been here. They left the room but as Jungkook walked past me, he turned to me and looked at me with sad eyes. If he hadn't been part of my kidnapping, I might have felt bad for him... but as it was... my pity was rather limited and I gave him a hateful look, whereupon his tears began to flow again and Jin took him by the hand and pulled him out. I thought I was alone for a while, with my head on my chest and pondering my fate, when I heard noises behind me. I was hugged from behind and felt a face pressed against my neck. 

"Stop it." I couldn't fight back as I couldn't move, so my protest was simply ignored. 

"Please... just a little... I miss you." I heard softly and gently. But he couldn't fool me with that soft voice.

"What do you think your new friends would say about you cuddling with me here?" I asked.

"I don't care, we're not friends, we're a partnership of convenience." he mumbled.

"A partnership of convenience, against me? You're turning me into the bad guy here? Seriously?" I snorted, annoyed.

"Baby... just come back to me, then I'll help you out of here and we'll leave these losers alone in their self-pity," he tried to persuade me.

"Or, you help me out of here and I won't rip your balls out for it." I suggested to him with a smile.

"Ouch... I think I had a bad influence on you..." he said with a grin.

"Just fuck off Yoongi." was all I said to that.

"Think about it... I'll come back later." Before he left for good, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, which made me grimace in disgust.

"Maybe when sheep learn to fly," I replied, but he just laughed before closing the door.

Hours later, the door opened again and Jimin entered. He smiled at me encouragingly and held something up. A sandwich... the kind I used to like to eat, I was almost touched that he remembered that.

"I've got something here for you." he pulled up a chair and sat down next to me. 

"Do the others know that? Didn't they want to starve me?" I asked, irritated.

"No, I snuck over here... I can't take your shackles off, but I can feed you." He held the sandwich in front of my mouth. I looked at him suspiciously, but hunger won out and I took a bite. God, it tasted good. A small moan left my lips and he chuckled.

"I can see you're still a bit of a foodie." His smile looked so genuine, I would have loved to believe he was serious... but... I just couldn't.

"How do you actually know each other?" I asked, chewing.

"Well... it was actually just a stupid coincidence and then a bit of research." he began to tell me...

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