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Flashback 2 months earlier, Jimin Pov

Another lonely, sad evening without my loved one, again just emptiness, no love, no one there for me, no one I could cuddle. The other side of the bed was still empty, her scent had long since disappeared from the pillow, had faded more and more over time, but the pillow now smelled of my tears. Why couldn't I just forget her? Maybe if I had a reason, if I knew what I had done wrong, then maybe I would be able to put it behind me. But... there was no answer, she'd cut every connection, had even moved, her cell phone number no longer worked. She had forgotten about me, even had a new boyfriend even though she had blocked me everywhere, I had stalked her instagram account and found all her lovey-dovey selcas. Jungkook... he actually looked nice and friendly, well at least he wasn't an asshole like her ex-boyfriends. She never said much about them, but I had seen the pain in her eyes. I envied this Jungkook, he now had the love of my life in his hands and I hoped he made her happy. Even though I would have preferred to be the one to make her happy. Sighing, I looked at the flyer in my hand. Heartbreak Fellaz... Separation support group, for men only. I had seen the flyer in the convenience store at the checkout and had taken it. The group was here in the neighborhood and there happened to be a meeting in half an hour. I could give it a try, if need be it would just distract me a little from my loneliness, but maybe it would really help. I didn't have time to shower, so the only thing that helped was deodorant and a hoodie so I could keep my hood up and my greasy hair out of sight. I should finally take care of myself again, it was ridiculous how I was just drowning in self-pity instead of taking part in social life again. I grabbed my key and left my apartment.

The meeting took place in a psychologist's office, the room I was led into by a friendly, older receptionist was cozy, a yellow carpet lay over the wooden floorboards, there were colorful beanbags on the floor and a few young men were already sitting on some of them. One of them stood up and approached me with a friendly smile.

"Hello, you're new here... Don't worry, we're all in the same boat here. I'm Kim Seokjin and I'm in charge of the group here. Why don't you sit down and make yourself comfortable, we'll wait for a few new arrivals and then we'll get started. There are various teas, hot water and cookies back there. Help yourself," he offered and I immediately felt a little more at ease. He seemed very nice.

"Hey... I'm Jimin. Do I have to introduce myself to everyone?" I looked around a little shyly.

"Oh no, you can just listen for now, you only speak when you feel like it." he reassured me before gently squeezing my shoulder in encouragement. After grabbing a matcha and some chocolate chip cookies, I sat down on an orange beanbag and waited. The door opened and a handsome guy came in and dropped so hard onto the beanbag next to mine that I was afraid it would burst. But luckily it held up... although... if it looked like Mother Hulda had escalated, that would really spice up the evening.

"Hi new guy... Welcome to the crazy people. I'm Jackson." grinning, he held his hand out to me, which I hesitantly took.

"Jimin." I introduced myself briefly, but that didn't seem to put him off.

"Let's be friends Jimin, you look like you're cool. Listen, they're all whining and crying around here, pussies." he laughed softly. Snorting, he looked at another guy who had just come in and sat down with a sigh as Dr. Kim closed the door and cleared his throat.

"So, without further ado, let's pick up where we left off last time. Kai? You wanted to tell us about your break-up." He looked promptly at the man who had come last, who then howled like a fire siren.

"Haha, let the show begin." Jackson poked me in the rib with his elbow, chuckling spitefully. Slowly but surely, I began to regret coming here...

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