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"Where are you taking me, Tae?" I asked after we had been driving for ten minutes and he wasn't talking to me, just smiling to himself and giving me loving glances from time to time.

"Do you remember our road trips to Busan when we used to go to the beach?" he reminded me.

"Yes, but that would be a four-hour drive now... we'd arrive and could just turn around..." that couldn't be our destination.

"No, we're going to Incheon, there are beaches there too." he then explained. I remembered all the good times we had spent together. It was hard to believe that it had already been five years. If Yeonjun hadn't come up with that stupid prank, I would have been married to Taehyung by now... but then I would never have met the others either. As much as it would have made me happy not to have had all the problems, I wouldn't have wanted to miss any of them. Each of them meant so much to me. Precisely because of my deep feelings, precisely because I had loved each of them so much, that's why every betrayal had affected me so much... Even if I had only ever imagined this betrayal, it still hurt as much as if it had been real. I had to get rid of this trauma somehow...

Taehyung was the only one who knew how much I had changed because he knew my unadulterated, non-traumatized self. This day, I was going to try to bring back the person I once was... he didn't deserve the time we spent together, even now, me sitting next to him like a shy bunny, staring sadly holes in the air. I would pull myself together, I wanted to see his honest smile again, just like before. His smile had always made my heart flutter.

"It's too cold to walk barefoot hand in hand on the beach.... but, surely you'll warm me up?" I gave him a small smile, which made his own widen.

"I'd do anything for you, princess... Of course I'll warm you up." He did that with his words alone... I always felt like something very special when he called me princess so tenderly... as if he was talking about the most precious thing in the world. My eyes filled with tears as I was overwhelmed with emotion. Blinking, I looked out of the passenger window so he wouldn't notice, but he was focused on the road again anyway.

After an hour, we arrived in the outskirts of Incheon, not wanting to go to the tourist beaches, so Tae drove down the coast a bit, the houses becoming fewer and fewer, the landscape more and more sparsely populated, until we spotted the colorful advertising lights of a BBQ restaurant. Taehyung pulled into the parking lot and got out.

"Come on, let's go down to the water first, then we'll warm up here and eat something." he suggested and I nodded, taking the hand he offered, which he took in his and put both our hands in the pocket of his coat. He led me carefully down the small wooden staircase, which ended in a walkway that was just wide enough for us to walk next to each other. It was probably part of the restaurant, even if no boats were moored there at the time. At the end of the jetty, there was another small ladder leading into the water, with a railing next to it that I leaned on to enjoy the view to the full.

"I've been waiting so long for the opportunity to finally be alone with you again." he admitted.

"Why, so there are no witnesses when you push me into the sea?" I asked him, giggling. He stepped behind me, hugged me and rested his chin on my shoulder, laughing softly.

"No... just to be able to keep you undisturbed... when we saw each other again and you looked at me so hatefully... my heart broke again... but being able to hold you... it's like putting myself back together piece by piece..."

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