Chapter 68- Make Your Choice

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" What do you mean Luca? There's no need for that," I said as I passed Debbie's tab back to her.

“ There's every need for that, it's either you move in with me or I move in with you into the apartment you want to move into,” He said and I looked at him dumbfounded.

“ You can't be serious,"

“ Try me," He said.

There wasn't a trace of a joke in his eyes.

" So what would it be, my lady? I move in or you move in?"

" Aww, you guys are so cute, I'll be outside,” Debbie said as she walked out of the room.

As soon as she closed the door, I turned my full attention to Luca.

“ You think I want you far away from me any longer? Do you know how worried I'll be if you're not near me and I don't know what is happening to you, I want to protect you and the only way I can do that is if you're near me,” He said as he looked into my eyes as if he wanted me to see the sincerity of his words.

“ But Luca I'm…”

" No more arguments Katherine, I've given you two options so pick one," He said and I knew that I already lost the argument even before it started.

“ Fine, I'll move in with you, it's not like I can win an argument against you or something,” I said and he chuckled before bending to my lips to drop a kiss.

" My beautiful kitten,” He whispered against my lips and I opened my eyes to find his eyes closed as a smile played in his lips.

" Kitten?” I asked and he slowly peeled his eyes open.

" Yes, you're a very stubborn woman and I don't think there's a more suitable name for you,”

" But kittens are cute,” I said with a pout.

" And scary when they want to be,” 

" Hey, I'm not scary,” I said and was about to hit him but the pain that shot through my hand made me keep my hand back in place.

" Hey easy there kitten, your claws are broken for now, until then be a good girl,” He said with a stupid smirk as he lifted my bandaged hand and kissed it.

" Let me kiss it better,” He said and I couldn't help but smile.

" I'm going to go outside and make a quick call, then I'll be right back, okay,” he said and I nodded before he perked my lips and walked out of the room.

As soon as he closed the door behind him the door opened to reveal Debbie and Jordan.

“ Jordan, when did you get here?" I asked as he walked towards me with one of my favorite flowers; white roses.

“ Thank you," I said as I took the flowers from him with a smile.

“ I'm still wondering what kind of stupid hotel you went to stay in that someone could get into your room without anyone's notice and fucking escape without being caught? How easy can that be? Suddenly everyone can be a criminal,” He said, looking at me like I have the answer to his question.

“ That's exactly what I thought, if whoever that guy is could get away so easily, I have a feeling someone in that hotel might have helped him or it's someone from the hotel," Debbie said as the room became quiet and we all passed a questioning look at each other.

“ Every single person in that hotel who was around that night should be interrogated,” Jordan said as he folded his hands.

He looked like he was stopping himself from hitting something.

" Chill Jay, I'm doing all right now,"  I said as I opened my arms wanting a hug from him and he sighed before he sat on the bed as his arms wound around me in a gentle hug.

“ Why do you have to make me worry all the time, my sweet girl," He said as his eyes went to my cheeks which I'm sure still has that bastard's finger prints.

“ I'm going to be doing more than just this if I get a hold of him," He said in a deadly tone that even I was scared for a second.

“ We'll find him,” Debbie said as she came to stand beside Jordan and then she placed her hand on his shoulder.

" We will find him, “


"Ascoltami, Matteo, ciò che sto per chiederti di fare per me è molto importante, se sbagli, ti farò del male.” I said to Matteo as I glared at him from where I was seated. I called him to meet me at a coffee shop not too far from the hospital.

"Mi dispiace per averti deluso, mi farò perdonare lavorando più duramente così da non combinare più pasticci.” He said as he looked down in remorse like he expected that to phase me.

"Ascolta e ascolta attentamente, c'è qualcosa che l'hotel non mi sta dicendo, quindi voglio ogni filmato delle telecamere di sorveglianza, irrompere nelle loro telecamere, fare tutto il possibile per ottenere quante più informazioni possibile, nel frattempo starò sorvegliando la mia donna perché per il momento non uscirà, occupati di questo.” I said and he nodded.

“ Questo sarebbe tutto. Se c'è qualcosa che voglio che tu faccia per me, te lo farò sapere.” I said as I stood up and he did the same.

"Grazie per darmi un'altra possibilità, capo.”

"Io conto su di te, non combinare pasticci,” I said before giving him a nod and then I walked away.

( Translation )

" Listen to me, Matteo, what I'm about to ask you to do for me is important, if you mess it up, I'll mess you up," I said to Matteo as I glared at him from where I was seated. I called him to meet me at a coffee shop not too far from the hospital.

“ I'm sorry for disappointing you boss, I'll make it up to you by working harder so I won't mess things up again." He said as he looked down in remorse like he expected that to phase me.

“ Listen and listen carefully, there's something that hotel isn't telling me, so I want every CCTV footage, break into their camera, do whatever you can to get as much information as you can lay your hands on, in the meantime I'll be watching over my woman cause she won't be going out for now, get yourself busy with this,” I said and he nodded.

" That would be all, if there's anything I want you to do for me, I'll let you know,"

" Thank you for giving me another chance, boss,” He said.

" I'm counting on you, don't mess things up,” I said before giving him a nod and then I walked away.

Whoever that person is should watch his back because I'm coming for him and it's going to be bloody.

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