Chapter 37- George

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“ Katherine, what a surprise to see you here," He said as he looked at me in disbelief.

“ Yeah, it's unbelievable, you're the last person I expected to bump into in Italy," I said.

“ I'll wait outside," Miss Liam said as she gave a kind smile to George and walked out.

“ I'm so happy to see you," I couldn't say the same, but I said it anyway, for courtesy's sake.

“ I'm happy to see you too, what are you doing here?” I didn't care but I just had to ask, although all I wanted was to be outta here as soon as possible.

" Just came to see a friend,” He said.

" Once again, it was nice meeting you George, but I have to go," I said and was about to walk away but he stopped me.

“ Hey, hey, hold on we're meeting here after a long time, let's catch up, if I could remember our relationship didn't end so good, maybe we can talk, you know, fix things," He said, it took everything in me not to laugh, like this guy was crazy.

“ No offense but are you crazy? What are we going to fix? You make me want to laugh, we had a relationship when I was like fifteen and you suddenly bumped into me in a restaurant and you want us to fix something we had when we were teenagers? How does that sound to you?” I asked as I looked at him.

" I don't see anything wrong with that, we had chemistry," He said.

“ As you said, had, I have to go George, I have someone waiting for me outside," I said and was about to walk out but he stopped me again.

“ What the hell George?" He was beginning to annoy me.

“ Alright, let's not talk about a relationship or anything, we're meeting after a long time, we could at least hang out, we used to be friends before we started dating remember,” He didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word ‘used to’ it was all in the past.

" So?”

" Let's hang out, give me your number,” Perfect, I'd just give him a fake number.

" Give me your phone,” I said as I stretched my hand to him.

" I think I left my phone in the car, give me yours,” He said, I'm sure he knew I had no intention of giving him my number.

I grudgingly opened my phone and gave it to him as he punched in his number and called his phone. I heard it ringing in his pocket.

“ Oh, it's here with me," He said as he handed me back my phone. I took it from him with an eye roll.

“ I'll see you around, I'll leave you for now," He said as he smiled at me, he was about to turn but I was the one who stopped him this time.

“ Before I forget George, if you're still in Italy, you could find the time to come for my wedding," I said and he looked shocked.

I didn't give him time to respond as I turned away from him and walked out of the restaurant.

" I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting Miss Liam,” I said as soon as I reached the manager.

" It's okay, I was enjoying the fresh air anyway,”

We got into the car and Miss Liam drove out of the restaurant heading back to the office.

I heard my phone vibrate with a message and I brought it out from my bag to see that it was a message from George.

I didn't even bother reading it, I just blocked him, I didn't want to reconnect with anyone from my past, George was bad new and I didn't want that, he was my boyfriend from highschool, we were still dating when I left England, I didn't say anything to him when I left, it wasn't like I had a choice, but for God's sake we were just teeenagers back then.

I'm sure he must have been shocked by my disappearance but that doesn't mean we'll immediately become friends just because we met after some years.

When we got to the office, I walked into the elevator as I pressed the button for our floor and waited patiently to get to our floor. As soon as I reached, I walked out of the elevator and straight to my office as I got settled in.

I immediately got to work, responding to emails and taking care of other things that needed my attention. We are having a car show by the end of next month but I'm not going into that until the boss returns.

I was still working when my phone started ringing. I had my eyes on my computer screen so I just stretched my hand to pick the phone as I answered the call and placed it to my ear.

“ Hello," I said as I typed on my screen.

“ Well you ignored my message and I guess blocked my number so I had to call you with another number," George.

“ I'm really busy right now George, I'm at work," I said. He was the last person I wanted to talk to right now.

“ You thought you could scare me off with a wedding, that's a nice trick Katherine," Wait, he thought I was lying, maybe he didn't see my ring.

“ You think I'm lying?" I seriously didn't owe him an explanation, at the same time if I ended this call it would be rude.

“ Send me an invitation right now, then I'll believe you," He said.

We haven't done the invitation card yet, we haven't even fixed a date.

" Can you stop this George, I have to go,"

“ See, you're not getting married, we should really hang out. I want to see you, please," He said.

I had a feeling he was looking for how to get into my pants, he might have been a good guy when we were younger but I could bet he was nothing like that eighteen year old boy I dated.

“ I'm sorry, that's not going to happen, stop calling me, bye," I said before ending the call and immediately blocking the number too.

I just have a bad feeling about seeing him after such a long time, I didn't want anything to do with him.

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