Chapter 7- I Refuse To

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" And what makes you think I want to spend even five minutes in your company not to talk about five months?" I asked him with raised brows, I thought he had something worth listening to, all he was saying took us to the original reason I was here, I didn't want to be here. It was simple.

" Mr. Vincenzo you don't seem to get me but I do not want to be here, thanks for your time anyway," I said as I took my bag and the envelope and stood up.

" Katherine, you can't…"

" It's Miss Westbrook, I didn't give you the right to call me by my first name," I said and his response was to scoff.

" Well Miss Westbrook, you're letting your personal life get in the way of your academics, you told me yourself that you didn't come here to talk about anything that didn't concern school, but the way you're acting it seems to be that you're still affected by what happened between us, prove that all you care about is school, do your internship here, otherwise I'd think you're scared of getting involved with me again," Now he was challenging me.

" What makes you think I'll ever want anything to do with you?"

" Then do your internship here," No I won't, I can't, no way, no, no, no. But if I didn't he'd think he still affected me. I had to think about this thoroughly before making a decision.

I looked at Mr. Vincenzo unable to say anything, I didn't even know what to say. So I just looked at him one last time before walking out of his office.

To hell with him and his company.

I got out of the company hoping I'd never come back but with the way fate we playing with me it seemed like the opposite was going to happen, I might soon be coming here every day.

I got into my car and drove off. I have a lunch date with Scarlett and the other girls.

As I drove I couldn't stop thinking of any possible way out but the problem was that it didn't seem like there was any way out.

I parked my car in front of the restaurant and then I got out and walked into the restaurant. The girls were seated at a corner as they talked animatedly, I didn't realize I stayed long at Vincenzo's company.

" Hi girls, sorry I'm late," I said as soon as I reached them and then I took a seat.

" No problem, you look rather downcast, what's the problem?" Scarlett asked as he sipped on her lemonade.

" That's because I'm not good, where are you all doing your internship?" I asked

" I'll be working as an apprentice to a music director. I met him yesterday. He's so nice," Pink, one of the girls, said with a smile.

" I'll be working alongside a music teacher as an assistant teacher at a music school, I love it, I'd get to teach cute little kids about music," Mia said,

" What about you Scarlett?" I asked since she was the only one who hadn't told us where she'd be doing her internship.

" Well I didn't get to work with Shawn Mendes as I hoped for but I'll be doing my internship at a music therapy center, it's going to be fun I'd have to play my violin a lot, I heard people come there just to listen to the sound of quiet music to help them feel better, my violin skill was tested though and they liked it so I guess that's where I'll be doing my internship." She said with a shrug.

One way or the other they were all sent to places that could benefit them as music students, tell me something wasn't fishy, why didn't I get sent to nice places like theirs?

This was driving me nuts.

" What about you Katherine? Tell us where you'll be doing your internship," Scarlett asked

" I don't want to think about it, unlike you guys who are okay with where you'd be working for a year, I'm not,"

" Why's that?"

" I don't like the company, it has nothing to do with music,"

" What company is that if I might ask," Pink said.

" It's Vincenzo's Group of Companies," I said and immediately they all became quiet as they watched me, should I be worried about that?

The spoon Pink had in her mouth fell off as she looked at me with shock.

" You…are…lying," She said looking like she couldn't believe her ears.

" Why would I lie?"

" Hold up, you mean to say they sent you to that company and you're sad?" Scarlett asked looking at me like I was sick and needed medical attention immediately.

" Yeah, because it has nothing to do with music," And everything to do with a hot-blooded man I didn't want to see.

" You can take my school, I love cute kids but I love hot men more," Pink said with admiration, was this what the Dean meant when he said other students would be glad to take my place because these girls were currently acting insane?

" If I can I'd gladly take the school," I said.

" Why wouldn't you want to work there that's a very nice place," She wouldn't be saying this if she knew about the type of past their boss and I had.

I couldn't believe them at all, they were making it look like I was unreasonable and pushing a great opportunity away.

After lunch with the girls I returned home, I couldn't bring myself to do anything so I went straight to our room.

I saw Eddy's clothes on the floor and I raised my brows in confusion, I thought he was supposed to be at work.

I picked the clothes from the floor and walked to the bathroom to put them in the laundry basket but as I opened the bathroom door, I froze.

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