Chapter 57- The Visitor

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I was in my hotel room as I paced the room in confusion. My head felt like it was going to burst. We had sex last night, mad wild sex but I don't know what to think about it.

He confessed everything to me but does that change anything? We can't just be okay.

I don't know, I don't know, I'm so confused.

When I woke up and found myself in his bed I didn't know how to feel, I just couldn't stay there and wait for him to wake up so I had to leave.

What would I say? ‘Hey we had sex last night so what does that mean for us?’ It just didn't make sense, it doesn't.

I walked to my bed as I sat down with a sigh, never did I imagine I'd find myself in such a situation. Confused and without a solution.

And don't get me started on the calls and messages I've been receiving from Eddy.

I still had to be at the office, I didn't have a choice, I wasn't going to let anything affect my academics.

When did my life take such a drastic turn?

I was just about to lay on the bed when I heard the doorbell ring.

“ I didn't call for room service, go away," I said, wishing whoever was there would go away. But the person didn't go away as I heard the doorbell ring a second time.

I'll just ignore it, because I'm very sure I didn't call for any room service. But the doorbell rang for the third time.

“ What part of go away is so hard to understand?” I groaned in annoyance as I grudgingly got up from the bed and walked to the door.

I pushed the door open in anger and when I saw who was standing there it felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

I looked at him unable to form words, how the hell did he find me here? And why did they let him come up to my room?

“ What are you doing here? Please leave," I said as I was about to close the door but he stopped me.

“ Please, I just wanted to see you,” He said as he moved closer to me but I moved back which gave him the chance to enter the room as he closed the door behind him.

“ I didn't invite you in,” I said as I folded my hands glaring at him.

" I'm sorry but I just wanted to see you, I miss you Katie, please let's work this out, I haven't been myself for days,”

" How did you find me?” I asked.

" I followed you,”

" You did what?!” I asked in shock…"When was that?”

" After you came to give me the ring, I just knew that I had to come talk to you, look Katie, I might not be the best man on earth but I'm not the man that would cheat on his woman,”

" You're still lying?”

" I was drugged, Katherine, I know that for sure!”

" You didn't look drugged to me,”

" Why won't you just give me a benefit of doubt, just this once,"

“ Seeing is believing Eddy, how am I supposed to…” I was stopped by the doorbell ringing.

" What is wrong with the world today?!” I asked in anger.

" I'll get it,” Eddy offered.

" No, I'll get it myself, I have to talk to the management of this hotel,” I said as I walked past him to go get the door.

I opened the door ready to give whoever was standing there a piece of my mind but anything I wanted to say died in my throat when I saw who was standing in front of me.


( Third Person's POV )

“ I was close, I was this close to getting her last night but that bastard had to come," I said in anger as I got up from the bed I was sitting on.

" Calm down, we still have time," My spy said. Time? There was no time, I wanted her gone as soon as possible, I needed them to feel the same pain I felt.

“ There's no time, besides I have other things to do, I want her taken care of as soon as possible,"

“ Fine, remember our deal, you help me, I help you," My spy said.

" I remember, you don't have to keep reminding me, don't anger me, you know what I'm capable of,” I said

" I do, so what next?"

" I think it's time for you to reenter the picture,”

“ As you wish,"

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