Chapter 33- I'm Scared

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“ Eddy, what went down here? Are you crazy? What the hell is this?” I asked as I avoided stepping on the bottles that were thrown on the floor, how many were they? Seven? When did he start drinking this much?

“ Babe? Wake the fuck up, aren't you supposed to be at work? It's almost 1:00pm and you're still sleeping,” I said as he looked at me with half awake, half asleep eyes.

“ You're here my love, I didn't expect you,” He said as he grudgingly got up rubbing his forehead.

“ Why aren't you at work?” I asked him again as I folded my arms looking at him.

“ I called in sick,”

“ But you're obviously not sick,” I said.

“ Come on babe don't do this, I missed you and somehow you standing in front of me is like a dream, instead of nagging me why don't you come give me a hug?” He said as he opened his arms but I refused to move from where I was standing, he must wreck of alcohol after taking all those drinks.

“ Go take a shower then we can talk,” I said as I started picking the bottles from the floor.

“ Leave that there babe I'll pick them myself, you just got back,”

“ Yeah I just got back, I just got back and surprise, surprise, you're drunk and sleeping instead of being at the office, you're drunk and not just with one bottle, with so many, what has gotten into you?” I asked and he looked down in shame.

“ I'm sorry babe, I just got carried away last night and I found myself drinking, I said I was going to take just one and the next thing I know I'm drinking so many, I think it was boosted by the fact that you're in New Jersey with him, it won't happen again,” He apologized and I sighed before dropping the bottles I was holding and walked to him.

“ What am I going to do about you?” I said as I hugged him.

“ Keep loving me,” He said and I chuckled.

“ Go take a shower, you stink,” I said and he chuckled.

“ Join me,” He said as he bent to kiss my lips but I pushed him away.

“ I would have if I met you well behaved, that's your punishment for being a naughty boy,” I said and he threw his head back in laughter and I couldn't help but laugh too.

“ Really, you're punishing me? Okay what do I do to redeem myself?” He asked.

“ Take a shower, we'll talk about that later,” I said as I pushed away from him and he laughed before walking to the bathroom to take his shower.

I picked up all the bottles as I walked downstairs to discard them.

I took my bags and walked back upstairs as I started unpacking my things.

I heard the bathroom door open and Eddy walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“ I thought you were supposed to be in New Jersey till Wednesday next week?” He asked.

“ Yeah, let's say I couldn't stay without you so I came back, I don't care what he thinks or says,” I said with a shrug.

“ Are you saying you left without telling him or…?”

“ Yeah that's it baby, that man is so much to deal with, he annoys the hell outt…” I didn't get to finish what I was about to say when he drew me by the waist and kissed me and my hands automatically went around his neck. He smelt better.

He was passing so many words with his kiss and I understood everything.

He felt like I chose him by coming back to him, I don't know why he had to worry, he was the only option, no one else.

He finally drew from me as he looked at me with a cheeky smile.

“ I miss the taste of your lips,” He said with a smile but my mind instantly filled me with similar words.

‘ Your sweet scent when I taste your lips,’ Those words suddenly rang in my head and I found myself shaking my head like it would wash away those words from my head.

“ Are you okay? Why are you shaking your head?” He asked.

“ Uhm, it's nothing,” I said.

“ Alright, I'll get dressed, then I'll come make you something to eat, okay?”

“ Alright babe,” I said and he pecked my lips before walking into the closet to get dressed.

I took the clothes I already used to the bathroom to throw them into the laundry basket, there weren't many clothes in the laundry basket, my man was neat but I don't get why he was drinking so much.

I dumped the clothes into the basket as I walked back to the room and took the remaining stuff to the closet.

I found Eddy standing with his body cream in his hand looking deep in thoughts like he was trying to remember something.

“ Babe, are you okay?” I asked and he blinked, coming out of his thoughts.

“ Yeah I am,” He said as he dropped the cream on the table.

“ You don't look okay to me, first I find you drunk instead of being at the office, if you're not the boss I'd say you got fired, I found you drinking so much which is unusual, tell me what's going on, you know you can talk to me,”

“ I.. I'm really alright,”

“ Babe, come on, talk to me,” I encouraged as I dropped the stuff I was holding and walked to him.

“ I'll always be here, we're going to be husband and wife, so know you're going to tell me everything and I know when you're sad, so tell me,” I said and he sighed before looking me deep in the eyes and I felt my heart skip.

“ I'm scared, I'm scared of losing you,”

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