Chapter 41- Waiting For Her

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It has been three days and I still haven't been able to reach my fiancee. Each time I walk through the door knowing she wouldn't be home hits at my heart.

I find myself sitting and looking at the door hoping she would walk in and we could talk about everything.

I still I'm trying, I'm trying to remember how the fuck that thing ended in our laundry basket, I didn't do it, I had no clue what was happening, but she wouldn't believe me. Why would she?

If I should put myself in her shoes I don't really know how I was going to react. Finding a guy's boxer in our laundry basket that wasn't mine, I don't really know how I was going to take that, so I understand her anger, but I was scared, I was really scared of losing her.

She wouldn't pick up my calls nor reply to my messages, I didn't even know where she was, that fact was killing me. Where could she be?

I ran my fingers through my hair and with a sigh I stood up from where I was seated on the stairs. I haven't been able to sleep in our room because she wouldn't be there with me.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to take out a bottle of water. Even eating has been a problem, I felt too broken to eat.

I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket with a message so I quickly dropped the bottle and brought out my phone hoping it was from Katherine.

I opened my phone to be met with disappointment, she wasn't the one. It was a message from a strange number.

‘Can we meet?’ The message read.

I was about to reply when the number started calling.

“ Who the fuck are you?" I asked as soon as I picked up the call.

“ Wow, to think there would ever be a time that you'd talk to me like this,"

" Camila, what do you want?” I asked, already feeling myself getting angry.

“ I just want to talk," She said like it was normal for us to talk after telling her I wanted nothing to do with her.

“ What part of I'm engaged and belonging to another woman don't you understand?" I asked.

" Another woman? Come on Edward, you know I'm it for you,”

" I'm sure you've started taking drugs again, you don't know what your showing up in my life has caused me, take your sick stupid self out of my life, don't fucking call me with any number again, go get help,” I ended the call before she could say anything.

Fucking bitch.

I needed to know where Katherine was, and I knew the right person to talk to but I was scared of losing my head, he'd definitely be mad at me. If he didn't already know what was happening.

I took my car keys as I walked out of the house locking the door behind me. I got into my car and drove off heading to Jordan's bar.

Believe me I could feel my heart beating so loud in my chest.

I parked my car in front of his bar and took a deep breath before stepping out. I entered the bar and was greeted by one of the staff who was familiar with me as I asked him where Jordan was.

“ Where's your boss?" I already knew where he could possibly be, I think I was still contemplating if I should turn back or go see him. Why was I behaving like a coward? I was innocent.

I quickly walked to his office and knocked on his door.

Jordan was a hardworking man, he went from working as one of the staff to owning the bar.

There wasn't any response but I heard voices coming from inside.

I was about to knock again when the door opened to reveal Anna, although I didn't like her brother, it wasn't the same with her.

“ Hey," She said as she opened the door for me to enter and I stepped in and there he was sitting on his chair.

“ Morning Jordan," I greeted.

“ What happened?" He asked instead of answering my greeting.

“ We had a fight,"

“ I knew it, I knew something was wrong, what did you do?" He asked as he slowly stood from where he was seated and I knew there would be trouble for me soon.

“ Look, it's complicated Jordan but you have to believe…”

" You cheated,"

“ I didn't, I cannot cheat on Katie, I won't do something like that to her,” I said as I brought my hand in front of me telling him to calm down.

“ Then tell me why the hell my best friend is nowhere to be found, claiming she went on a solo trip which I knew was a damn lie, now explain to me what happened and don't you dare think of lying to me.” He said. He looked so deadly like he would set me aflame.

“ She found an underwear in our laundry basket that wasn't hers,"

“ What?!" Anna and Jordan both chorused.

“ I know what you're thinking but I have no idea how it got there, I'm…” I didn't get to finish what I was about to say when a punch landed on my face.

I knew this was gonna happen, I was expecting it earlier than this.

" You fucking piece of shit, how dare you hurt my girl? How dare you?! “ He was about to land another punch on my face when Anna stopped him.

" Stop Jordan, this isn't going to solve anything, all we have to do now is to look for where Katherine is, I have a feeling she's all alone hurting without talking to anyone, she always thinks she's strong,”

The room became silent for a moment as Jordan passed me a murderous look, the atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a knife.

“ Please if you know where she is, tell me," I said.

“ Hell yes, like I would," He spat as he took a step towards me but Anna blocked him.

“ Calm down already,...Eddy, I think you should leave because this guy here looks like he's going to kill you right now,” Anna said and I nodded before walking out of his office.

I got into my car and instead of driving to work I drove home, I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't think correctly.

I parked my car in front of the house and grudgingly got out. I was feeling so tired, physically and emotionally.

I walked into the house as I fell on the couch rubbing my head in exhaustion.

I closed my eyes thinking of her beautiful face, her smile, her sweet voice… Where could she be? I miss her so much.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the bell as my eyes shot open and I quickly got up and rushed to the door.

I don't think I've ever wanted to open the door so eagerly as I'm feeling at the moment.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, surprised at who was standing in front of me.

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