Chapter 58- The Fight

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“ What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked at Luca but his eyes weren't on me they were looking behind me and I knew just who they were looking at.

“ What are you doing here?" He asked as he started walking into the room but I stopped him and his sharp eyes turned to me with a scoff. I didn't even know what I was doing.

“ Tell him to get out of here before I do something we'll all regret," Luca said in a deadly voice.

" And who the fuck do you think you are?” Eddy asked as he took a step forward and I knew that I would soon become the middleman in a fight and I had to stop it immediately.

“ Why are you here Luca?” I asked and the look in Luca's eyes told me something was coming for me for asking him that question.

“ I woke up this morning and you weren't in bed," He said and the room immediately became silent, I didn't need to look at Eddy to know he had hurt written all over his face.

Did he have the right to be hurt? It's not like we're still together.

“ You were with him last night?" His voice, the pain in his voice. Why was I letting him affect me?

" Eddy I…I " Why the fuck was I stammering?

" It could have been anyone, anyone but him,”

" It could have been anyone, anyone but her?!” I said in anger as I turned to look at him.

" So are you trying to pay me back or something?! Something I didn't do!”

“ Will you shut the fuck up and get out of here," Luca said as he took threatening steps towards Eddy but I stopped him.

" Get out! Both of you, just get out!" I said as I walked to the door and opened it.

“ There's nothing you'll do that is going to make me move from this place," Luca said.

“ You know you're a fucking aashole, you just couldn't go after any woman but mine," Eddy said.

" She isn't yours, never have been,”

" Say that again,” Eddy said and I could hear the menace in his voice.

" She isn't fucking…" A punch landed on Luca's face before he could complete what he wanted to say and he didn't waste time as he gave Eddy one of his own.

“ Stop! Stop this right now!" I shouted as I watched them begin to fight each other.

“ Guys please, please stop this!” I shouted as tears began to fall from my eyes and they immediately stopped as two of them rushed towards me but I moved back.

" Katherine, are you okay?” Luca asked.

" Princess,”

" Don't fucking call her that,” Luca warned.

" Please can you guys just leave, I want to be alone,” I said as I wiped the tears in my eyes.

" Hey, Katherine…"

“ I said just go! Go!" I could feel myself nearing a breakdown and I didn't want that to be in front of any of them.

“ This isn't over," Eddy said before walking toward the door as he opened it and got out, making sure to bang the door to show just how angry he was.

“ Luca please leave,” I whispered as I turned my back to him.

“ No, I'm not leaving you," He said, remaining adamant.

“ Please,"

“ Do you love him or something?" He suddenly asked.

" What if I do?” I asked.

" I won't believe you,” He said as he came to stand in front of me.

" Why?” I asked as I looked up at him.

He brought his hand to my face as he removed the hair on face, putting it behind my ear.

" Your body, your body tells me you're mine, the way you react to my touch, tell me he makes you feel the way I do,” He said but I remained quiet.

“ I don't want to share you with anyone, I hate that he had you for an entire year. Don't you think I've been patient for too long? Let's work this out, I want you, scratch that I need you,”

This is his fault, if he didn't go about bad mouthing me we wouldn't be here. He should have just started by speaking good about me.

“ I don't know Luca, I just need to sort out my feelings, I'm confused,"

“ I'm here, I'll help you,"

“ It's my feelings Luca, I want to think and sort this out on my own, please,”

" Okay, just call me if you need anything,” He said as he bent down and kissed my lips then he wiped the small tears in my eyes.

“ Your lips it's bleeding," I said as I brought my finger to touch his lips.

“ It's nothing, I'm fine,”

" Oh," I said.

" How did you find me here?” I asked. And here I was thinking I was hiding.

" I have my ways,” He said.

" Like stalking me?”

" Nope, other ways,” He didn't give me anything other than that.

“ I'll leave now, don't even think of crying because if you do I'll know,” He said looking so serious and I couldn't help but chuckle.

" You have cameras in here or something?” I asked and he just shrugged.

He kissed me once more before walking out of the door.

I sighed as I walked to my bed and sat down.

When did my life get filled with all these dramas?

I was still lost in my thoughts when my phone started ringing.

I picked it up without looking at the caller as I placed it to my ear.

“ Hello?"

" Guess who's in Italy,”

" What?!”

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