Chapter 20- The Better Option

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For a moment I just stood there like I couldn't believe my ears. She was getting married to him, it couldn't be true, no.

I quickly stormed upstairs to my room.

" Brother!" I heard my sister call but I didn't stop.

I opened the room door and closed it with a bang as I turned to the wall and started punching repeatedly my mind numb to the pain.

I didn't stop until I was satisfied with the pain and my hand felt completely numb.

I screamed like that would help how I was feeling.


She's mine! She's fucking mine! Only mine!

I was breathing hard as my mind wickedly filled me with an image of her with him calling him husband, with kids, no I wanted that to be me, not him.

I fell to the ground in agony feeling like I would cry. I wanted to cry.

This is all my fault, I would have told her how I felt right from the start, I should have treated her better, maybe taken her on little dates, to the park, and shown her it wasn't just about the sex.

I couldn't lose her, I didn't want her in the arms of another man that wasn't me.

I had to step up my game, engaged doesn't mean married, I still had a chance.

I'll have to make her realize I'm the better option.

I got up from the floor as I heard a light knock on the door.

" I'm okay Anna, go to your room don't worry about me," I said before I walked to the bathroom as blood dripped from my hand.

I felt numb, I wanted to hold her right now. I wanted her in my arms.

I looked at myself in the mirror and all I could see in my gray eyes was a man who was ready to take back what he lost and he did not care how he was going to get it back.

You'll be mine again Katherine, if you could seduce your way into my heart I'd definitely do the same.

I straightened as I turned on the hot tap and put my hand under as the hot water soothed the ache and I just watched the water turn red.

I turned off the tap and then used a towel to wrap around my hand to stop the bleeding before walking to where I had a first aid box. I brought out antiseptic as I cleaned the wound without flinching, the pain in my hand couldn't compare to the one in my heart.

When I was done I wrapped a bandage around my hand as I took a wet towel on my good hand and walked back to my room.

I bent down and cleaned the tiny droplet of blood that had earlier dropped, then I walked back to the bathroom and discarded the towel into the laundry basket.

I came back to my room and I fell on my bed with a sigh, I felt so lifeless like the purpose of living had been taken from me.

I fell asleep with the thought of Katherine in my arms.


" Are you sure about this brother? I'd like to check that hand for myself," My sister said as she tried convincing me not to go to the office.

She knows I somehow heard her conversation last night and she knows I am anything but happy.

" I'm a boss Anna, if I don't go to work what type of example am I giving to my staff."

" But you're hurt, that's the hand you use more brother,"

"I'll manage, don't worry,"

" You're so stubborn," She said and I laughed before entering the car as the driver started the car and drove out of the mansion.

I got to my company and the driver parked the car and I got out and walked inside the company.

" Good morning sir...oh my God! What happened to you, sir?" My manager asked in shock as she saw my bandaged hand.

" It's nothing, Anita," I said,

" You have a bandaged hand and you say it's nothing?" She looked at my hand with scrunched brows before whispering.

" Did you get into a fight?" I wish I actually did and the reason I have a bandage is because I punched the bastard's face instead of the wall.

" Not really, it's just a small cut," I knew she was about to ask more questions but I was already walking to the elevator avoiding any of her questions, I wasn't in the mood to be talking to anyone.

I knew that the moment this elevator opened Katherine would be waiting for me. I was practicing calming myself before I reached because I didn't know what I would do if I saw her with a ring on her finger I hadn't put there.

Just as expected when the elevator door opened she was already waiting there for me with a smile on her face.

I wanted this face to look at me every morning, not some stupid man, me.

I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't help as my eyes turned to her finger and there was a ring there. I could do better, I could buy her the most expensive ring she could ever dream of.

" Good morning Sir," She greeted as her eyes went to my hand.

" Morning Miss Westbrook,"

" What happened to your hand, Sir?" She asked,

" Nothing serious, just a small accident," I said as she took my bag and followed me into my office.

She told me my schedule for the day but none of that was important to me.

" Miss Westbrook, I'm guessing you have your bags packed for our trip tomorrow?" I asked her without looking at her face.

" I'm not sure..."

" Miss Westbrook let's get something clear, this is a company and not a joke, whatever idea you have about traveling with me clear it off your head, I'm going for business and I need you there not for any other anything but to work, I need you to assist me and if you can't do something as simple as that I'm sorry I'd have to tell your school you're not doing what they sent you here for," I said in a hard voice as I looked at her.

" But sir..." I stopped her with my hand.

" I'm your boss, not the guy you once fucked, draw that line, Miss Westbrook, we're leaving tomorrow,"

" Okay sir," She grudgingly said.

" That's what I thought," Good girl.


Who's your better option my lovelies?

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