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May 23rd
Days in the sun


"It seriously hurts to even move."

Peter glanced up as Edmund sat slowly on the edge of the sofa, frowning deeply and barely moving.

"You know it's your own fault right?" He said, eyebrow raised.

Edmund turned his head to face him. "it was not my fault that I fell asleep." He muttered.

Peter chuckled lightly. "You spent too many days in the sun," He pointed out. "You falling asleep on the beach today was just the cherry on the cake."

Edmund glared at him. "It really wasn't." He grumbled.

Peter stared at Edmunds rather sunburnt face, smiling. "If you find Susan I'm sure she'll have something that can help you." He said gently.

Edmund sighed. "Yep, and it'll come with an hour of scolding on the side." He murmured.

"Probably." Peter chuckled.

Edmund slowly stood from the sofa, on a mission to find his older sister now. "I wish I was like you," He muttered to Peter as he walked towards the door. "You never burn, you just tan, why can't I tan? I've never come close to tanning, I just go bright red-"

Peter listened to Edmund muttering to himself until he was out the door and had disappeared, before turning back to his work, chuckling to himself.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now