I don't care...

173 16 1

January 7th
I don't wanna hear it


"Care to explain?"

Edmund glared at the floor, hands shoved in his pockets as he and Peter stood in his dorm, door closed and alone.

"And I don't wanna hear any stupid excuse." Peter added.


"I don't wanna hear it Edmund." Peter cut him off, knowing his brother all too well. "Tell me the truth."

"There's nothing to tell," Edmund muttered. "I just couldn't be bothered."

"So you decided to skip an entire three days of lessons when you know full well that you have exams coming up?" Peter questioned.

"Oh relax." Edmund spat. "It's not like they're GCSE's."

"No," Peter agreed. "But any exam is important, what do you think you're gonna do when you're 16 and actually have to take your GCSE's?"

"I'm literally eleven." Edmund grumbled.

Peter sighed. "You know mum's not gonna be happy when she gets that letter." He pointed out.

Edmund slowly glanced up at his older brother, hesitating. "I really don't care." He all but whispered.

Peter stared at him for ages, before shaking his head a little. "I know you do," He said. "And you know you do, so buck your ideas up Edmund, and you're going to lessons this afternoon whether you like it or not."

Edmund knew there was no way out of this so he just nodded his agreement, flopping down onto his bed with a sigh.

"And don't even try skipping again cause I will find out." Peter warned.

"Yeah yeah alright." Edmund muttered.

"Are you coming down to lunch?" Peter asked as he headed for the door.

Edmund groaned. "I'll be down in a minute." He replied.

"You better be." Peter said, before leaving Edmund alone, heading down to lunch until he joined a friend.

"Everything alright?"

Peter sighed. "Just my brother - again." He muttered.

"Got your hands full with him haven't you?" The boy laughed.

Peter raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly in agreement. "Tell me about it."

A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now