Do you believe?

93 11 3

February 21st
Our last summer


"Do you miss it?"

"Of course I do."

Edmund nodded slowly, sighing a little.

"Which one of us doesn't?" Susan murmured. "It's been weird, being back, being young again, just kids, after being literal Kings and Queens. Now all we are are kids."

Edmund blinked, staring at her for a moment before nodding again. "Yeah." He breathed, staring out the window at the slowly falling leaves, all of them orange and brown and yellow. "I just felt a lot more - alive in Narnia."

"I get what you mean." Susan agreed, following Edmund's gaze to outside. "Everything's different here, even the seasons."

Edmund followed a leaf to the ground, sighing. "If I had known that would be our last summer in Narnia, if I'd known that autumn wouldn't last long before we were brought back here, I'd of treasured it, so much more than I did."

Susan smiled weakly. "I would've too." She whispered. "I would've spent so much more time down the beach, in the woods, spending time with Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers."

Edmund smiled too. "Riding horses, swimming in the ocean, just wandering around Cair Paravel." He added. "All things I wish I could do right now - but can't."

There was silence for a while, before Susan took a deep breath. "You reckon we will go back?" She murmured.

Edmund bit his lip. "The professor seems to think we will." He said.

"Do you believe that?"

Edmund had to think for a minute, but in the end he nodded his head. "Yeah, yeah I believe it." He decided, and he meant it.

Susan nodded a little, "I really hope you're all right." She sighed.

"Yeah, it's tough here." Edmund murmured.

"We'll get used to it though." Susan said, trying to sound as positive as she could when she certainly wasn't feeling very positive. "We'll get used to it until we go back, we lived here for over a decade, there's no reason we can't go back to living here."

Edmund snorted. "I lived in Narnia longer than I lived in England Su," He told her. "And it doesn't help who I was when I lived here."

"Don't think about that." Susan said quickly. "It's who you are now that matters. We can still be who we were in Narnia, but just in England and as kids."

Edmund breathed out a small laugh, nodding a little. "I guess we can." He replied quietly.

Susan smiled gently at him. "You fancy a cup of tea?" She asked.

Edmund smiled. "Always."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now