
110 13 5

February 27th
Don't underestimate me


"I will do it."

Peter smirked, shaking his head

"Don't underestimate me." Edmund warned.

Peter just laughed. "Oh I would never." He teased.

Edmund glared playfully at him, taking aim and throwing the pie straight at Peter's face, where it hit it's mark, covering his older brother in cream.

Peter stood there, spluttering slightly as he wiped it from his eyes.

Edmund tried to keep back his hysterical laughing, but it most certainly didn't work.

Peter licked his lips, taking a deep breath. "Okay, one," He breathed. "Susan's gonna kill you for ruining her pie."

"I'll make another one." Edmund said. "You deserved it anyway."

Peter smirked. "And two," He said. "I might also kill you for throwing it at me."

"You'll have to find me first." Edmund said, before making a dash out the room.

Peter was left standing there, covered in pastry and cream, an amused look on his face as he stared down at the remains of pie that were on the floor.

He looked up when he heard footsteps, and froze when it turned out to be Susan.

"You know what," She muttered. "I'm not even gonna bother asking what's going on. Clean up, clean the floor, and get baking. I don't care who it was but someone owes me a pie."

And with that she turned around and walked out again, not even phased at this point, being so used to Peter and Edmund's silly little moments.

Peter just laughed to himself, heading off to clean himself up, but then he would most definitely be going to find Edmund.


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