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April 20th
Board games


"At least pretend you're having fun."

Edmund rolled his eyes. "But I'm not." He muttered.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Susan chuckled.

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "They're called board games for a reason," He muttered. "Change the spelling and you've got a perfect representation of what these games are. Boring."

"They're only boring if you don't make them fun." Peter pointed out.

"I am not in the mood to have any fun right now." Edmund grumbled. "I am in the mood to curl up in bed and go to sleep."

"Then why don't you?" Lucy asked.

"Well it's family night isn't it." Edmund sighed.

Peter smiled. "Well Mum and Dad aren't here tonight so it's not a whole family night." He said. "If you really are that tired maybe you should go to bed."

Edmund stared at him for a while before he nodded. "If that's okay with you lot?" He asked.

Susan and Lucy nodded at the same time. "Of course." The youngest said. "You always somehow manage to win anyway so it gives us more of a chance."

Edmund chuckled gently at this, dragging himself from the sofa.

"You okay?" Peter asked quietly before he left.

Edmund nodded. "Just tired." He breathed. "See you in the morning."



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