
194 15 3

March 9th
Don't freak out, but...


"Where'd you say you bought this?"

Susan smiled a little. "That new bakery around the corner." She said as she enjoyed the pie. "Thought I'd give it a try."

Peter stared at her with a small smile, it was nice that she'd dropped by to visit, they never really saw her much after they'd come back from America, so this was a rare occasion that all three of her siblings were enjoying a lot more than any of them let on. And with their parents out for a day by themselves, it was just the four of them, like old times.

Although it probably wasn't a good idea to bring up the old times around Susan.

"Well, I'll be making many trips down there after this." Peter told her.

"Peter's gonna spend all his money at that bakery now." Lucy teased.

"Honestly," Peter said with a shrug. "That's really not a bad way to spend all my money."

Lucy laughed gently.

Peter turned to his brother, who had eaten a couple of mouthfuls of his own pie, but was now just staring at it, frowning.

"Don't you like it?" He asked.

Edmund swallowed hard, "Okay, um, don't freak out, but.." He paused, licking his lips. "I think it's got nuts in it."

Peter went about three shades paler at this statement, freezing.

"What?" Susan whispered, all of a sudden looking terrified. "No, no I asked the bakery, I made sure."

Lucy stared at Edmund, noticing a difference. "Cross contamination." She murmured. "It's easily done in such a small place."

"Yeah," Edmund murmured, shifting in his seat and blinking hard. "There were nuts in it."

He looked up after saying this, and Peter instantly noticed the redness of his skin and how his lips and face had swelled up slightly, and he jumped into action straight away.

"Hospital, now!" He shouted at Susan, who jumped from her seat and ran to get Edmund's jacket.

Edmund already looked awful, and leaned heavily on Peter when he stood up, eyes closed and already struggling to breathe slightly.

Peter, not wasting any time, picked Edmund clean off the floor, carrying him bridal style out the front door and to the car.

Susan and Lucy ran after him, but he told Lucy to stay behind in case Mum and Dad came home.

Susan climbed into the back seat with Edmund, holding him close as Peter jumped in the driver's seat, started up the car and made a dash for the hospital.

"Stay with us Ed, come on." Susan murmured, burying her face in Edmunds hair, tears in her eyes.

"I'm okay." Edmund whispered, but his voice was weak and Susan barely heard him, which scared her.

Peter was most definitely driving too fast, and Susan was very glad there weren't any police around or they'd probably be pulled over, but luckily there weren't many cars on the road and they reached the hospital in just under five minutes, which had to be some sort of record.

A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now