A chocolate pancake

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January 5th
We have a problem


"You think it's ready?"

Susan glanced up from where she was busy making the icing for Edmunds birthday cake, nodding at her older brother. "Yeah, it should be." She said. "It's been in there long enough."

Peter nodded, grabbing the oven gloves to take the cake out, although when he did, he frowned a little, placing it on the side. "Um..."


"We have a problem." Peter muttered, running a hand through his hair.

Susan left her bowl of icing and wondered over, mentally facepalming when she saw the cake.

"How did it not rise?" Peter grumbled.

"Did you use self raising flour?'' Susan asked. "And did you remember the baking powder?"

"As far as I can remember yes." Peter replied.

Susan sighed. "Sometimes they just don't rise." She breathed, shaking her head a little.

"What do we do?" Peter asked.

"Well, we either make a new one or Edmunds gonna have one flat birthday cake." Susan said, already checking the leftover ingredients.

"We got enough to make another?"

Susan nodded after checking the eggs. "Just about yeah," She told him. "Good job we've got the time isn't it."

Peter smiled a little, turning back to what might as well of been a chocolate pancake.

"Tell me that's not my cake."

"You aren't meant to be in here."

Peter glanced up at his brother, who was stood in the doorway, something of a frown on his face.

"Sorry," He said with a laugh. "I heard "we have a problem" and couldn't help myself."

"Out, go on." Susan muttered, steering Edmund back out into the hallway.

"You're getting more and more like Mum every day." Edmund told her with a smile, but he headed upstairs.

Susan rolled her eyes, before returning to the kitchen, where Peter was already grabbing a mixing bowl. "Right, come on." She breathed. "We've got another cake to make."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now