Stay with me

157 19 2

February 25th
That's blood...



Peter glanced up when he heard the voice, sheathing his sword with trembling hands as he tried to calm himself and get rid of all the adrenaline he had from the battle he'd just fought. He smiled reassuringly at his brother, who looked white as a ghost but otherwise unharmed. "Hey." He responded. "You okay?"

Edmund seemed to think for a moment. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." He whispered, seeming lost in thought.

Peter frowned a little, but didn't push him. "Susan and Lucy should be here soon, Lucy with her cordial to help heal any injuries too severe to be treated naturally." He explained

Edmund nodded a little at this, but he couldn't keep back a wince at the action, cleching his teeth.

Peter was now worried. "Ed?" He murmured. "Are you okay?"

Edmund stared at him for a while. "I - I dunno." He mumbled.

"Does something hurt?" Peter asked firmly, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder to help steady him, seeing how out of it he suddenly looked.

"My - my head hurts." Edmund mumbled, looking confused and disoriented.

Peter immediately began inspecting Edmund's head, although the second his fingers touched the back, Edmund hissed and pulled away. "You - You know what, I'm fine, I'm fine." He choked.

Peter brought back his fingers, and swallowed hard. "Ed," He murmured, showing his brother the dark red liquid that now covered his skin. "That's blood..."

Edmund swallowed thickly, blinking a few times and taking a deep breath. "Um-" He paused.

Peter steadied him again. "Ed were you hit on the head?" He asked, heart pounding.

Edmund didn't say anything for ages. "I don't 'member." He slurred eventually, eyes dropping.

"No, no don't you dare." Peter muttered, shaking Edmund gently. "You pass out on me and I'll kill you."

Edmund didn't seem to hear a word of this, and before Peter had even known what had happened, Edmund had collapsed forward.

Peter caught him quickly, lowering him to the ground with extreme care, not wanting to hurt him anymore than he already was.

"Ed?" He asked immediately. "Edmund can you hear me?"

Edmund didn't reply. His eyes were closed. He was out cold.

Peter swore under his breath, before attempting to pull himself together.

Lucy would be here any minute, and until then he just had to make sure his brother stayed alive.

"You're gonna be alright yeah?" He whispered, moving around and pulling Edmunds head into his lap, feeling the blood once again coat his fingers, making him feel sick. "You're alright, just stay with me."

The next five minutes were a blur to Peter, and when he could finally fully concentrate on what was going on, Edmund was sat up, healed and being held tightly in his arms, face pushed against his chest.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." Peter choked out, if anything tightening his grip.

Edmund nodded a little. "Sorry." He breathed. "I honestly don't know what happened. Someone must've snuck up behind me, gave me a good hit."

"You were lucky." Lucy pointed out. "Whatever they hit you with caused a deep wound, you're extremely lucky to - to of survived."

Her voice cracked a little as she spoke, but she quickly distracted herself, not wanting to think about how close it nearly was.

Peter hesitated, before pulling away and looking Edmund dead in the eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked, and his tone of voice clearly told Edmund that he didn't want a stupid little lie in reply.

So he just nodded, shrugging a little. "Tired and a bit dizzy," He said truthfully. "But yes Peter, I'm okay."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu