I'm not tired

74 11 3

May 4th
Once upon a time


"I'm not even tired." Lucy said firmly.

Her Dad raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you sure?" He asked.


"Because you've been yawning all evening." John told her. "And you nearly nodded off at the dinner table earlier."

An eight year old Lucy stared at him for a moment, before shrugging slightly. "I'm not tired though." She insisted.

John nearly laughed at this, but knew that would definitely not help his case. "What if I read you a story before you sleep?" He suggested.

Lucy seemed to think for a moment. "My choice?" She asked.

Her Dad nodded. "Of course." He said. "As long as it's not too long, you have school tomorrow don't forget."

Lucy didn't look too happy with this, but wandered over to her bookshelf, glancing at the different books and trying to pick a good one.

She eventually made her way back over to the bed, handing her Dad the book she'd picked and climbing under the covers.

John sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for his daughter to get comfortable before he began to read.

"Once upon a time..."

Lucy was asleep before he'd even finished the first page.


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