Just a dream

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March 19th
Trust you? After last time?


"Did you honestly think we'd be able to trust you? After the last time?"

Edmund took a deep breath, tears stinging his eyes that he refused to let fall. "I-" But he just couldn't get his words out.

"You are nothing to us and you never will be. You broke our trust, and betrayed us."

Edmund swallowed hard, staring at his brother, who was glaring down at him, looking so angry it almost scared him. "Please." Was all he managed to whisper.

Peter just laughed. "Don't even bother." He spat. "You're not our brother anymore, after what you did you don't even deserve to be alive."

One tear slipped down Edmund's cheek at this, one he just couldn't hold back anymore, but the next time he blinked, everything went black for a moment before he was sitting bolt upright in bed, eyes wide as he was met with his dark bedroom.

A dream.

Thank Aslan it had only been a dream.

Edmund sat there, holding his blanket in a white knuckled grip, not wanting to move to see what the time was.

He didn't know how long it was before he managed to get himself to lay down again, but when he eventually did he curled in on himself, swallowing hard.

Just a dream, just a dream... It was just a dream.

He repeated this over and over again in his head until he believed it.

Peter wouldn't say anything like that, not now and not ever, and he never had either.

Letting his eyes slip shut Edmund took a deep breath, relaxing against the pillows and allowing himself to breathe properly again.

He didn't know if he'd be able to get back to sleep again, but laying there was enough for him, after all, it was only a dream, and he had nothing to worry about.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ