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May 18th
I thought I'd killed you


Peter wasn't really entirely sure how he thought this day would end, but Edmund telling him something about his time with the witch definitely hadn't been one of his guesses.

Sitting on one of the sofas with him, at this point unsure how they even got to this point in their conversation, he hardly knew what to do.

The battle of Beruna had happened four months ago now, Edmund had been free from the witch for so long, but everyone knew there were things he hadn't told anyone, things he hadn't even told Peter, and he'd told him more than what he'd told others.

But things were slowly coming out, and Edmund was becoming more comfortable talking to Peter about it all, not that it didn't hurt him to say it out loud, but part of him wanted his older brother to know everything, and he was slowly getting there.

"It wasn't the worst part of that night though," Edmund suddenly added, his voice quiet. "Because I knew the wolves were after you, the entire time I was with Her, I knew they were after you. I thought I'd killed you, I was so sure I would've. I never thought I'd see you again, all because I was stupid enough to trust Her-"

"You weren't stupid Ed." Peter mumbled.

Edmund shook his head. "I was." He replied.

"Stupid isn't exactly the word I would use." Peter told him, keeping his voice soft and gentle.

Edmund sighed. "Either way," he murmured. "It was one long night."

Peter nodded a little, understanding.

He was appalled by what Edmund had revealed to him about that night, and it made him wish Jadis was alive again just so he could get revenge himself.

But there was one thing that truly stood out to him.

Despite everything that happened to him that night, Edmund only had one thing on his mind, and that was his siblings.

He wasn't worried about himself, or what was going to happen to him, he only cared about his brother and his sisters.

And that gave Peter a feeling that he'd never even come close to describing.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя