A coward

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February 26th
You're stronger than me


"It's okay to be scared Ed," Peter murmured. "Even I get scared."

"What are you talking about," Edmund sighed. "You never get scared."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "You wanna bet?" He asked.

"You're braver than me, and you're stronger than me." Edmund all but whispered. "I'm just a coward."

Peter shook his head. "No, Edmund." He said firmly. "Look, everyone gets scared, it's a normal and natural thing. I'd honestly be more worried if you weren't scared."

Edmund swallowed hard.

"I was scared today." Peter told him. "I was scared that I was gonna lose you, and I will tell you that I was scared for myself too, because it's a natural thing to feel."

Edmund stared at him for ages, before just sighing.

"Being scared is nothing to be ashamed of." Peter said gently. "I'm not braver than you, I'm not stronger than you. We are equally as brave and equally as strong, and in our own ways. So please, don't ever think you're weak, or a coward, because it's not true."

Edmund rested his head against Peters shoulder, nodding a little but not saying anything in reply.

"Okay, thank you." Peter replied to the nod, hugging Edmund tightly. "Now come on, you need some rest, its been an exhaustingly long day."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ