I love you

122 14 1

February 5th
Say don't go


I said "I love you", you say nothing back


It was the first night that Peter realised something had changed, that he realised his brother wasn't the same as before.

Every night had been the same for years, Lucy would say goodnight to Susan, then to Peter and then to Edmund.

There was a hug and a "love you" for each sibling, and it was always returned, even if it was absent mindedly or whilst busy.

Until that night.

About two weeks after their Dad had left.

Lucy said goodnight to Susan, and a love you was returned.

Then the same with Peter, an extra big hug from him because he knew how much his little sister needed it.

But when it came to Edmund, the hug was barely returned and he said nothing in reply.

Lucy said "I love you"

Edmund said nothing back.

This one is way too short but I've had two musical theatre performances at college today and I'm exhausted so I reckon that's a good excuse 😂

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