Boys shouldn't cry...

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January 28th
I won't cry


"You're being very brave."

Peter sternly nodded, taking a deep breath. "I won't cry." He said firmly, glaring down at the bleeding gash on his knee.

The school nurse smiled at the six year old, slightly amused. "And why not?" She humoured him.

"Because crying is weak," Peter said. "Especially for a boy."

The nurse hadn't expected this to come out of the kids mouth, and to say she was shocked would've been an understatement. "Who told you that?" She asked after a moment.

Peter flinched when the nurse dabbed the cloth against the gash again. "Everybody." He said quietly. "Boys shouldn't cry."

"Why shouldn't they?" The nurse asked. "I see no problem with it."

"We have to be strong." Peter muttered.

The nurse smiled weakly. "Not when you're six years old you don't have to be." She said gently. "When you're older - maybe, but not now."

Peter stared at her for a moment, still refusing to cry but seeming to understand what she'd been telling him.

The nurse finished up cleaning the gash and applied a plaster, giving Peter a pat on the shoulder. "Try not to run so fast next time." She laughed softly. "I wouldn't want to see you back in here."

Peter nodded, standing and thanking her before disappearing out the door, leaving the nurse both slightly concerned but amused at the same time.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt