
58 12 8

May 22nd


"You know what I love?"

Peter raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked.

Edmund pulled his pillow over his head. "Sleep." He grumbled.

"Well guess what," Peter breathed. "That's too bad, because we've got things to do."

"Can't they wait?" Edmund groaned.

"Nope." Peter chuckled. "Now come on, get up."

Edmund sighed. "I very much dislike you right now." He muttered, still not moving.

"I know." Peter said happily enough. "Get up, before I drag you out of bed."

Edmund rolled his eyes. "You just love to see me suffer don't you?" He sighed.

Peter chuckled. "And you just love being overdramatic."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now