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As Maya strolled through the quaint bookstore, her fingers grazed over the spines of novels, each one a potential escape from reality. Her life had taken a turn she never expected, yet one she embraced wholeheartedly. Armaan Vyas, her handsome husband, was her rock, her anchor in the stormy seas of life.

Lost in her thoughts, Maya almost didn't notice him at first. Sarim, her past love, stood by the poetry section, his eyes scanning the shelves with a furrowed brow. Time seemed to stand still as their gazes locked, a flood of memories crashing over Maya like waves against a shore.

"Sarim," she whispered, the name tasting bitter on her tongue yet familiar as an old melody.

Sarim stated back at her, his eyes now covered with a pair of specs. Maya noticed the weird but fine change in his face. His beard had grown perfectly but it looked like he haven’t shaved in years.

His lips formed a smile, but it didn't show happiness. It showed something else that Maya was too naive to understand.

"Maya," he replied, his voice tinged with both surprise and longing.

They stood there, two souls tethered by a past they could never fully escape, yet worlds apart in their present realities. Sarim's eyes searched Maya's face, tracing the lines of time that had etched themselves upon her once youthful features.

"How have you been?" he asked, his voice hesitant, as if afraid of shattering the fragile peace between them.

"I've been well," Maya replied, her voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. "Life has its own way of moving forward, doesn't it?"

Sarim nodded, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, it does."

As they spoke, the wounds of the past were torn open anew, each word a reminder of what could have been. Maya couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if things had been different, if Sarim had chosen her all those years ago.

But then, as if fate itself intervened, Sarim's gaze flickered past Maya to the small figure standing by the window, his eyes wide with wonder as he gazed at the world beyond.

"Ayaan," Maya said softly, her heart swelling with pride as she watched her son.

Sarim felt his heart die out but his lips curved into a smile. And he knew what it meant. His eyes widened in surprise, a bittersweet smile gracing his lips. "He's beautiful, Maya. You must be proud."

"I am," Maya replied, her voice filled with a mother's love. "He's brought more joy into my life than I ever thought possible."

As they stood there, bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun, Maya couldn't help but feel a sense of closure wash over her. Sarim may have been her past, but Armaan and Ayaan were her present and her future.

"I'm happy for you, Maya," Sarim said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you, Sarim," Maya replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "I wish you all the happiness in the world."

"You wish happiness for me? Don't. Don't do it, Maya. I can't be happy. Even you know it." Sarim said with a smile but his heart was bleeding.

"Where is your wife? You didn't bring her?" Maya asked looking behind Sarim even though she knew the answer to that.

Sarim ran a hand through his hair, a small laugh coming out of his lips.

"You really thought I will have a wife? There is no after you, Maya." He blurt out, his eyes now full of tears. And Maya had to agree she had never seen these much emotions in Sarim's eyes.

His tears. They looked like shattered pieces of glasses like he had tried alot to regain himself but he couldn't.

"You— you should have moved on, Sarim. I wish the best for you." She said taking a step away from him. She felt some unsureness in her own voice. As she spoke.

Sarim gave Ayaan a small kiss on the cheek as he bent down on his level.

"Take care of your mommy"

He told him.

"I couldn't." He accepted as Maya stared right into his eyes and eyes did the work. She didn't have to say anything she told him everything with just her eyes. 

"I have forgiven you, Sarim." Maya told him with softness filled in her voice.

"But—" he stood up. His eyes now full of crystal tears as he stared into hers.

"But I haven't forgiven myself, Maya." He told her as he felt pain inside his heart. Maya also felt herself breaking on the thought of this.

She heard a cough from her back, and a smile formed on her face upon seeing her handsome and charming husband standing behind her.

"Oh, I see. We have a gentleman over there." Armaan said with a soft smile forming on his face. His left hand sliding into the pocket of his well styles suit.

"It's good to see you, Man!" Sarim said as he took his hand out for Armaan to shake it.

Armaan gladly took it and patted his back.

"I'm happy for you. You have got everything I wished for." Sarim said with eyes full of envy. His smile widening, as he wiped his tears off.

"You've got a job or no?" Armaan asked him, with condition filled in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. Did I forget to tell you? I write songs. I'm a singer now." Sarim told them, both of them smiled at his amazing work.

"Woah? That's something I didn't expect. I wish to see you live one day, Sarim." Maya told him.

"I swear you don't." Sarim said looking back into her eyes.

"I really do," she said with so much calmness and assurance in her voice.

"But you don't have to wish anymore—" Sarim said as he handed her three brand new tickets of his concert which was going to happen in a few days.

"I’ll be there. Mumbai? See me there. I'd love it if you guys join me." Sarim said with a real smile this time.

Maya nodded her head.

With one final, lingering look, Sarim turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing through the empty spaces of Maya's heart. And as Maya watched him disappear into the crowd, she knew that she had finally found the peace she had been searching for all along.

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