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Armaan’s pov:

I was sitting in my car staring at myself in my front mirror. I looked terrible. Very terrible.

I haven't taken care of my hair, My skin or the way I look for almost a month now. I wear anything I find. Sometimes I don't even bother to wash my face.

I kept staring at myself in the mirror. I was fighting thousands of thoughts. Should I go in? Should I go in and meet Maya— Oh sorry. Don't mind me. MIA.

I was supposed to meet Dante and his team today at a restaurant but i’m not ready for it. I'm not ready to face it all again. I look terrible and I suddenly wonder.. if that's what caused Maya to forget me so easily.

Is it because I don't look as good as I used to be? She feels disgusted by me? Is it that?

And for the first time in my life, I felt insecure. I needed Mia to come and hold me and tell me she loves me like she always did but it was too late. Too late for anything.

I felt insecure of everyone. In my eyes, even their waiter looked better than me.

I’ve always had a soft spot for fashion.

But now right now I wore something a homeless man wouldn't wear.

After fighting myself for a thousand of hours, I opened my car’s door and slid a hand into my pocket. I walked in the restaurant.

I moved my eyes here and there ready to face them. And then suddenly my eyes caught her. She was laughing. She was laughing. She was laughing.

I felt my heart burn out and I saw her laugh with her new friends and especially her boss now. Dante.

I gulped in my own saliva. Dante noticed me standing dumbfounded in the crowd and he whistled to me as an attempt to make me notice him.

But I have already noticed him and I wish I didn't.

I let out a fake smile and started taking steps towards them. By this time, everyone had noticed me. Including my Mia.

Dante had left a seat empty beside him for me. And I don't know if destiny is playing with me but he was sitting between me and Mia.

I let out a sigh, shook my hands with him and sat down after saying hi to everyone. I didn't say hi to them individually. It was like a collective one. Like yeah.

I sat beside him and he started talking about business while his workers started ordering food for all of us. He kept saying things and I swear to God I didn't hear a single one of them.

My eyes were set up on her. I didn't look anywhere. My eyes didn't leave her for even half of a second. He noticed this I knew he did when he stared strangely at me and then at Mia.

Now fuck it. Maya.

"What's wrong, buddy?" He said to me in a weird, confused tone. I don't blame him, he might think I'm a creep for staring at her assistant like that.

I apologized and looked back at him.

Long story short, food came and we were eating it when I noticed Maya sitting there without doing anything. She didn't even touch her plate.

I noticed it and was about to do something about it when I saw Dante. Oh so he noticed it too. He stared at Maya and I felt my body heat up.

Maya said something in his ear and it was then that I realized, her right hand was covered with white bandages.

My eyes opened wide. This time they turned into a darker shade of red. Who did that to my— nevermind. She's not mine now.

I was controlling myself and trying to focus on my food. I clenched my fists and I knew everyone could see the veins appearing on my neck due to controlling my anger for Soo long.

He picked up a spoon put some food in it and then he moved the spoon closer to her face, to make her eat by his hand. And it was then that I lost it. I completely lost it.

"Oh you guys are so cute but don't do it infront of us, boss. Haha." Their workers joked and I just couldn't.

I stood up, everyone's eyes moving towards me in a split second. I smash the glass that was in my hand to the floor and everyone flinches.

"Enough of this shit now! Maya get up! We are leaving!" I yelled out loud but she kept staring at me. Her eyes blinking.

Dante stood up and started at me in confusion. "What's wrong with you brother?" He said and patted my back.

"She's Mia Fransé. Not Maya. What's wrong with you? Why are you creating a scene here?" He said to me in a small voice, so no one in the hotel room heard him.

"Maya batao is gadhe ko ke Tum Mia nahi Tum Maya ho..Meri Maya Tum Maya safeer ho. Bas chor do yeh sab please. Ma sab thek kardunga please" I begged her with tears forming in my eyes.

(Maya tell this idiot that you’re not mia, you are Maya. You are my Maya. You are Maya safeer. Please leave all of this. I will fix everything)

"Mia do you know him? What's the issue with you two?" Dante said in an annoyed voice. Maya took in a deep breathe and stood up staring at me right in my eyes.

"We need to talk. Excuse us, thankyou" she said and came close to me and in a second she grabbed my arm and pulled her with me to the rest room.

I stared at her hand grabbing my arm and tears started falling down my face.

"I’m only doing this because you are causing a drama." She mumbled and stopped when we reached the rest room.

"Maya. What is all of this? Please let's leave. We will live happily I promise." I begged.

"We will live happily? Oh shutup Vyas. I can't live happily with someone who fucking murdered my brother." She said to my face with so much hate in her voice.

"Maya. I will explain everything. I did it for you." I said with so much pain in my voice but she didn't even care.

"Please get out of my life, Armaan..leave! You always come back to ruin my life. What's wrong with you? I only had my brother and I lost him because of you. You probably don't care because your brother is a hypocrite but mine wasn't" she said and for a moment, I lost myself. 

I pinned her to the wall with so much anger forming in my eyes.

"Stop with these words, Maya. Even you know that they Hurt me alot. Stop!" I yelled and she pushed me away.

"I don't care! You took my brother's life Armaan! You except me to forget it and go and spend my life with you? You’re a psycho. What if you take my life tomorrow?" She said to my face, her eyes changing into a darker shade of red.

"I can't even think of hurting you let alone killing you." I said and caressed her face and I saw her eyes calming down for a second but then again she yelled at me.

"Don't you dare to touch me you murderer!" She yelled at me and I stared at her. I moved my hands away from her and looked down at my feet.

I then looked up at her. "Maya you don't understand me. You should listen to me first. Your brother wasn't good—" I tried telling her but she slapped me right across my face.

I felt my breathe hitch and my knees getting weak.

"Oh! Shutup! Shutup! My brother wasn't good but you? You were good. My brother who has protected me for 20 years of my life wasn't good but you are?" She said with so much pain in her voice.

I felt her breaking down when she said the last sentence.

"You took- m-y only source of happiness from me." She said before breaking down as loud sobs started coming out of her mouth.

"Never in my wildest dreams I had thought that you will be the one who will do this to me, Armaan!" She yelled at me between her sobs.

I quickly engulfed her in a strong hug. She tried pushing me away but I held onto her strongly and she finally gave up and let her head rest on my chest.

I caressed her hairs down as she cried.

I swear Maya I wouldn't have done it.

If he didn't. 

Only if he didn't do that.

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