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Maya giggled as Armaan twirled her around in their cozy living room, the soft glow of candlelight casting a warm ambience around them. The scent of freshly baked cookies filled the air, adding to the sweetness of the moment. They were lost in each other's arms, reveling in the simple joy of being together.

As they danced, Maya couldn't help but marvel at how lucky she was to have Armaan in her life. His infectious laughter and unwavering support made every moment brighter. And tonight, as they shared tender glances and whispered promises, she knew that she never wanted this moment to end.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a familiar voice echoed through the room. "Surprise!"

Startled, Maya and Armaan spun around to see Dante, standing in the doorway with a mischievous grin on his face. In his hands were an assortment of chocolates and gifts, clearly meant to add to the evening's festivities.

"Dante!" Maya exclaimed, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she realized their slightly compromising position.

Armaan chuckled, pulling Maya closer to him as he shot a playful glare at their unexpected visitor. "What are you doing here, buddy?"

Dante waggled his eyebrows suggestively, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. "Just thought I'd drop by and spread some joy... and chocolates, of course! But it seems I've stumbled upon a private party." He winked teasingly, earning a groan from Maya and a laugh from Armaan.

"Seriously you guys are so cute. I admire you." He said in a sarcastic tone.

Despite the initial embarrassment, Maya couldn't help but join in the laughter. With Dante around, there was never a dull moment. And as they all sat together, sharing stories and indulging in sweet treats, Maya realized that sometimes the best moments in life are the ones you least expect. With Armaan by her side and Dante adding his own brand of humor to the mix, she knew that her heart was full and her life was truly blessed.

Maya makes dinner for them, and they all have dinner with some laughs.

After dinner, Armaan suggests playing a board game to lighten the mood. But as they set up the game, Dante effortlessly charms everyone with his competitive banter and smooth moves, leaving Armaan feeling like a bumbling fool in comparison.

"I bet you've never played this game before, Dante. It requires a sharp mind and quick reflexes." Armaan says.

Dante chuckles, casually flipping the game piece between his fingers. "Oh, I'm sure I'll manage just fine, Armaan. After all, I'm used to handling high-pressure situations at work."

"I’m also a business man. I think you forgot that." Armaan said with annoyance in his voice and maya glares at him.

As the game progresses, Dante's luck seems unstoppable, earning him praise and admiration from Maya Armaan's frustration mounts with each turn, until he finally flips the board in a fit of jealousy, sending game pieces flying everywhere.

Later that evening, as they bid Dante farewell at the door, Maya gives him a warm hug and thanks him for coming over. Armaan watches with a mixture of envy and annoyance, feeling like he's been overshadowed by her charming boss.

"Thanks for the wonderful evening, Maya. And Armaan, it was great getting to know you too. You're a lucky guy to have such an amazing partner." Dante blurt out.

Armaan forces a tight smile, nodding awkwardly as Dante saunters off into the night, leaving Armaan to stew in his jealousy.

As the door closes behind Dante, Maya turns to Armaan with a twinkle in her eye. "Looks like someone's feeling a little green-eyed tonight. Don't worry, Armaan, you're still my favorite."

Armaan can't help but laugh at Maya's teasing, realizing that perhaps his jealousy was all in good fun after all.

Life’s been good. This one day felt like the best day of Maya’s life. Happiness. Good boyfriend. Good friend. Everything was so well.

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