'Family' dinner

86 5 15

June 16th, 2018

Suhng-Han paces around his dorm room, muttering to himself.

"Hani." Minho sighs. "If you don't want to go, we can just stay here."

"I said I would."

"So, we can just text her and say you don't feel well."

Suhng-Han shakes his head. "I can't, like maybe if I go she like stops writing? Or we reconnect?"

"You hope she stops writing if you go there? You could also just burn the letters and ignore her forever if you want nothing to do with her." Minho shrugs.

"I did that for the last 10 years." Suhng-Han groans, he drops himself onto Minho, who is sitting on the couch.


Suhng-Han hides his face in Minho's chest. "I just wanted an ending..."

"And you think this dinner might cause that? You don't think she might see this as a reason to not give up on contacting you?" The younger sighs.

"Maybe I just want to show what I have grown to be without her..."

"While she shows you she's raising other kids while having abandoned you." Minho blurs out. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Suhng-Han shrugs, knowing Minho is right. "Maybe to show off my boyfriend, that I can't show off anywhere else." He mumbles.

"So, she's not homophobic like your dad?"

"No clue, hope not."

"I guess we'll know pretty soon." Minho kisses Suhng-Hans cheek.

The older hums, looking up at Minho with a pout.

"It's okay. I'm there with you."

"I know." Suhng-Han leans up, kissing Minho's lips.

Minho pulls him closer onto his lap.

"Love you."

"Love you too, baby." He hums.

Suhng-Han takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

The door slowly gets opened, a women smiles at him when she recognises him. "Suhng-Han, you're here."

Suhng-Han nods. "Yeah..."

"Eomma! Is it him?" A boy's voice squeaks.

Minho takes Suhng-Han's hand, softly squeezing it to let the older one know he's there with him.

Ji-Na looks back at the little boy. "Yes, it is Ho-Sung."

Suhng-Han forces a smile when he sees a boy Ha-Sun's age. "It's nice seeing you."

"It's been too long, come in. You said your partner was joining you?"

"Yes." Minho answers for his boyfriend. "I am the partner."

"You have a boyfriend?" Ho-Sung looks at the two weirdly.

Ji-Na's smile drops for a second before smiling at Minho. "How nice to meet you, I'm Chio Ji-Na. Suhng-Han's mother."

Suhng-Han frowns, looking down at the little boy.

"Nice to meet you too." Minho bows his head. "I'm Minho."

"And my eomma too." The boy grins. "Do you two kiss like eomma and appa do?"

Ji-Na looks at her youngest son. "Ho-Sung, it's rude to ask those questions. Go tell your father our guests have arrived."

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