Seok Suhng-Han

92 4 7

March 27th, 2018

Suhng-Han walks across the campus, a cigarette in his hand as he looks around the place. Normally he wouldn't bother leaving his school building or dorms at lunch period but he is hoping to run into Eun-ji as he hasn't seen her since the day of the bombing and her visiting the club.

"Suhng-Han! On your way to the cafeteria?" A guy runs toward him with a big smile on his face.

The boy turns around with a sigh. "Not really."

"You're gonna eat outside of school? Or are your classes done for today?"

"I don't know, have one class left." Suhng-Han breathes out a bit of smoke, making sure to look away from the other.

"Okay, make sure to eat lunch." The guy hums. "You could always join that girl there. She probably doesn't have any friends to sit with." He laughs.

Suhng-Han rolls his eyes before looking over at the girl. "Shut up." He throws his cigarette on the ground, glaring at the guy.

The other chuckles. "It's funny."

"Sure." Suhng-Han scoffs. "Until you're the one sitting alone."

"As if. I don't sit alone, I have friends."

Suhng-Han rolls his eyes. "So does she." He walks away from the guy, walking to the girl sitting alone on one of the benches.


"Juni." Suhng-Han stops walking right in front of the girl.

The girl takes a bite of her foot, not noticing the boy standing in front of her as she is listening to music while eating.

Suhng-Han sighs, sitting down next to Eun-ji on the bench, taking out his phone.

Eun-ji looks up in surprise when she notices the bench move slightly, taking off her headphones. She stares at him for a bit before handing him a triangle kimbap.

"Thanks." Suhng-Han mumbles, taking the food from the younger.

"You haven't been eating well." Eun-ji mumbles with a pout on her face.

Suhng-Han looks down, taking a bite of the kimbap.

Eun-ji hums. "Has my stalker sent you any more pictures of where I went and what I wore?"

"Juni. what?" Suhng-Han looks up. "No, why would h-they?"

"I don't know. I don't know why they had sent you pictures last week either." The girl takes a bite of her food.

Suhng-Han sighs. "They didn't mean anything bad."

"It's still creepy to take pictures of someone without them knowing and then sending it to their best friend. Definitely when that best friend uses those pictures to scold you, for no reason."

"Look, I'm really sorry about that. I really didn't know they would do that. I was just worried when I saw it." Suhng-Han takes a second bite of the kimbap.

Eun-ji sighs. "It freaked me out and you made me feel like I wasn't allowed to be upset about it, Hani..."

"I know." Suhng-Han looks at Eun-ji. "I took out my frustrations on you because I was tired, I shouldn't have done that."

"So, are you going to tell me who the guy is?"

Suhng-Han takes another bite of the food. "My boyfriend." He mumbles with food in his mouth.

Eun-ji hums. "He knows who I am."

"Yeah." Suhng-Han doesn't look at Eun-ji, finishing the food she gave him. "He was the one that shot the girl."

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