Cuddle pile

69 9 25

June 20th, 2018

Minho looks at his boyfriend, smiling softly as the other is still asleep, cuddling into his chest. He knows the older doesn't really sleep much so he is glad that he is able to get some whenever they're together. He had sent Chan a quick text last night, saying he wouldn't be back home before his phone died on him. Once they had gotten back to Suhng-Han's dorm, he forgot to put it in the charger.

Suhng-Han shifts in his sleep, cuddling into Minho even more.

The younger hums, running a hand through Suhng-Han's hair.

"Morning." The older slowly opens his eyes, tiredly looking up at Minho.

"Morning." Minho smiles as he looks at him. "Did you sleep well?"

Suhng-Han nods. "Yeah, you?"

Minho hums, nodding his head. "Of course, I had you to cuddle."

The older groans, hiding his face in Minho's neck.

Minho chuckles. "It's true."

Suhng-Han rolls his eyes. "Sure. You have to leave soon?"

"Yeah... My brother is sick." Minho sighs.

The older hums, kissing Minho's lips. "You should go take care of him then."

Minho kisses back. "I will in a bit. You have class?"

Suhng-Han nods his head, looking at the time. "In an hour."

"Go shower, I'll fix some breakfast."

The older raises his eyebrow. "How?"

Minho shrugs. "I'm sure you have some food here, right?"

Suhng-Han sits up, pouting a little as he leaves Minho's comfort. "See for yourself."

The younger whines. "You promised~"

"I know, I just don't have much here." Suhng-Han shrugs, climbing down his bed.

Minho sighs, getting up as well. He starts looking around the other's dorm room while Suhng-Han takes a shower.

"Babe, we can just go to a cafe on campus." Suhng-Han chuckles as he watches Minho open every cabinet while drying his hair.

Minho looks up, closing the last door. "Fine, but next time we're going to buy you food for in this room."

Suhng-Han shrugs, throwing his towel in the washbin. "Sure. We can do that."

Minho hums, grabbing his stuff. "We better, you only have like rice."

The older chuckles, grabbing his bag as well. "Maybe I just really like rice."

Minho gives him a look before leaving the dorm, Suhng-Han being right behind him.

Suhng-Han frowns when he notices Ryeo stumbling through the hallway, looking for his keys. He watches the younger walk closer, letting out a sigh when he sees the fresh hickey on the younger his collarbone.

"Morning hyung." Ryeo mutters as he finally arrives at his dorm, still failing to find his key.

Minho leans against Suhng-Han's door, watching his boyfriend and his friend.

Suhng-Han scoffs. "I told you to not do shit."

Ryeo rolls his eyes, putting his key in his door. "I'm fine."

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