
138 7 20

May 7th, 2018

"Can someone like talk to Jisung hyung? Because the couch really isn't a comfortable bed." Jeongin pouts as he sits down at the kitchen table. After Jisung came home from hanging out with the guy he met at the bar, he had locked himself into their current bedroom and hasn't bothered unlocking it or letting anyone inside, including Jeongin.

Minho looks up from the sink. "He still hasn't let you in?"

Jeongin shakes his head, dropping his head on the table as he lets out a groan.

"I will try and talk with him in a bit." Minho dries his hands before sitting down in on the opposite side of Jeongin.

"Just wanna sleep in a bed." Jeongin pouts.

The older chuckles. "Don't worry, we're nearly finished with your bedroom. That way you won't have to suffer when this happens again."

Jeongin tilts his head. "This will happen again?"

Minho nods. "Happens way often." He chuckles, opening a notification on his phone.

The younger sighs. "Can I stay home from school?"

"Got any tests this week?"

Jeongin shakes his head. "And I have finished all the homework. I'm just really tired, please hyung."

Minho sighs. "Fine, you have to fix those papers though. That me or Chan is now your contact person."

"Oh yeah! I printed them out but they're in my backpack, in the bedroom..."

"Alright." Minho gets up. "Tell Bin I put the pancakes in the fridge when he wakes up. Seungmin is currently out with hyung, you can nap in my room if you want."

Jeongin nods his head. "Thank you hyung."

Minho ruffles the younger's hair as he passes them. "I will talk with Jisung." With that he leaves the kitchen, not really wanting to talk with the other but someone has to and Chan is too jealous to be making any sense.

Jisung sighs as he looks at the notifications on his phone, running a hand through his messy hair as he turns it off again. He doesn't want to answer Felix, not wanting him to think he has a chance with him. He wishes Felix had a chance, he wants to see the other again but he doesn't want to anger Chan or put Felix in danger so for now all that he can do is ignore Felix and hope he gives up on his own.

There is a knock on the door, making Jisung groan.

"Sung? It's me, can you please open the door?" Minho patiently waits for an answer.

Jisung sighs, getting up from his bed. Leaving his phone just lying there as he unlocks the door for Minho.

"Hi." Minho smiles as he walks into the bedroom, noticing how messy it is compared to yesterday.

Jisung rolls his eyes, letting himself fall onto his bed again.

Minho sits down on the bed as well, rubbing circles on Jisung's back. "What's going on?"

"Can you fall for someone in one night?"

"You can." Minho hums. "You like that boy?"

Jisung groans. "I don't want to."

The older chuckles. "Why?"

"Channie hates him, he would just get hurt. I mean, look at what happened with Jinnie." Jisung sits up with a pout on his face. "I would be bad for him."

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