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April 22th, 2018

"I'm so happy you guys wanted to join me." Eun-ji smiles excitedly, looking at the exhibition poster in front of her.

Suhng-Han smiles at her. "Of course."

"Anything for our leader." Hyejin smiles while petting the younger girl's head.

"I'm not your leader. Why do you keep saying that?" The younger whines, not liking the fact they just decided to make her the leader.

Suhng-Han chuckles. "Because you are. We explained this."

Hyejin nods her head in agreement, sticking out her tongue to Eun-ji.

"See, Jini is too immature and would just murder everyone."

"True, but you wouldn't?" Eun-ji frowns, turning to Suhng-Han.

The boy just shrugs. "Me and Jini would fight on any decision."

Hyejin nods, stuffing her mouth with a snack.

Eun-ji pouts. "Fien. But only because I'm the safe option."

"Ready to go in?"

Suhng-Han nods, taking the tickets out of his pocket.

Eun-ji's eyes widen, whining slightly. "You bought the tickets?"

"We both did together, yes." Hyejin nods proudly.

"Noo~ I was supposed to pay this time."

Suhng-Han chuckles. "Too late, you don't have to pay."

Hyejin starts pulling Eun-ji towards the entry. "Let's go."

"I didn't know you were so excited about the exhibition?" Eun-ji chuckles, following the older girl.

"I'm not but I haven't seen you in days," Hyejin exclaims dramatically, wrapping an arm around Eun-ji's shoulder.

Suhng-Han walks behind the two girls, handing the tickets to the person behind the register. "They have bows here too."

Eun-ji giggles.

"WHAT?!" Hyejin's eyes widen.

"Now you're excited?"

Hyejin huffs. "No. It's a museum. That's like a good night story." She slightly looks away while saying so, knowing very well, the bows are actually interesting to her.

"We know you. You're happy about the bows." Eun-ji chuckles before entering the building.

"Definitely excited." Suhng-Han laughs as the three of them enter the museum. He knows Hyejin will probably get bored pretty quickly and just hopes that Eun-ji will be able to see everything that she came here for. "Don't break anything Jini."

"Says the one with the killer boyfriend." The older huffs.

"Yours taught him that."

Hyejin rolls her eyes. "See, so it's fine to break things." She chuckles. "Hopefully I can get some stuff I won't be able to get on the market."

Suhng-Han sighs. "We're going to get arrested."

"As if." Hyejin huffs. "The person that can arrest me has to be made first."

"At least you have boyfriends." Eun-ji huffs. "I met a cute guy who didn't even tell me his name."

"Better not be one of these kids too..." Hyejin rolls her eyes. "Trust me, their dads are the better option."

Eun-ji bites her lip, actually liking two boys at the same time but she can't tell the older girl that.

Suhng-Han rolls his eyes. "Just don't get a boyfriend Juni. Also you don't want her dating them."

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