Jealously doesn't look good 2

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Chan punches the younger in the face.

Minho's eyes widen, looking at Chan in shock. "You..."

"I-" Chan looks back at Minho. "I'm sorry."

Minho shoves past Chan, walking out of the kitchen, holding his cheek.

"Minho-" Chan mumbles.

"Don't." Minho doesn't look back at Chan, locking himself into the bathroom.

Chan stays frozen in the kitchen.

Seungmin looks between the bathroom and the kitchen, having watched Minho lock himself into the bathroom. "Hyung?" He steps down the last step of the stairs, walking to the kitchen.

Chan doesn't reply.

"Hyung? What just happened?" Seungmin walks closer to Chan, scanning the older to make sure he has no injuries.

"I punched him..."

Seungmin gives him a confused look. "Who?" His eyes widen as he connects the dots in his head before Chan can even answer. "You punched Minho hyung? You?"

Chan nods, before dropping to the floor, leaning against the cabinet. "I'm hurting them."

Seungmin kneels next to Chan. "Hey, it's okay hyung."

The older shakes his head. "No, it's not. I'm hurting them-"

"You're not doing it on purpose hyung. Hannie is fine, he was just extremely overwhelmed. We got him calm. Minho hyung knows you didn't mean it." Seungmin lays a hand on Chan's shoulder.

"I'm being selfish." Chan mumbles. "Stressed and selfish."

Seungmin hums. "At least now you realise that."

Chan quickly gets up, walking to Jisung's room.

"Hyung!" Seungmin stumbles, not sure if Chan going there is a good idea.

Chan knocks on the door, a bit harder than planned.

Jeongin frowns, sitting up slightly. "Who's there?" He mutters as he nearly fell asleep before the person knocked on the door.

"It's Chan. Can I come in?"

Jeongin looks down at Jisung, not sure if it would do anything. "Hyung is sleeping." He knows Jisung actually is still awake but feels like he should protect the older from Chan right now.

"I need to talk to him." Chan nervously bites his lip.

"Can't it wait?"

"I-Okay." Chan hangs his head, giving up before walking to his room.

Jisung opens his eyes, looking up at Jeongin. "Why didn't you let him in?"

Jeongin shrugs, lying back down. "Don't think you two should talk now."

Jisung hums, closing his eyes again as Jeongin cuddles closer to him.

Seungmin knocks on the door of the bathroom. "Hyung?"

There's no reply, only a loud crash.

"Hyung, open the door." Seungmin tries to pull the door open.

Minho slowly opens the door.

Seungmin stumbles back a little before steadying himself and looking up at Minho. His eyes land on the black eye that is forming. "Oh."

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