Minho has a what?

96 8 47

June 16th, 2018

Chan walks into the kitchen, seeing that the younger members besides Minho are all there. "Guys, meeting in 10."

Jisung tilts his head to the side with a frown on his face. "Why?"

"We have a mission." The older hums, pouring himself a glass of water.

"For all of us?" Jeongin frowns as well, not expecting himself to be involved in the meeting.

Changbin just continues eating, not really interested in what's going on as he knows Chan will explain what is going on in a bit anyway.

"Yeah, Jeongin. You too, you're part of the team now."

The boy looks at him with wide eyes before turning to Jisung.

Jisung smiles, nodding his head. "Congrats."

"I'll be there, sir." Jeongin smiles proudly at Chan.

Jisung ruffles Jeongin's hair.

"Don't ever say sir again. It makes me sound old." Chan chuckles.

"You are old." Seungmin looks at Chan.

Changbin chuckles, looking up to see Chan's reaction.

Chan takes a deep breath, glaring at the younger. "I'm not."

"You sure? You were complaining about back pains earlier."

"Anyone can have back pain." Chan scoffs. "Meeting in 2, get your asses to the meeting room."

Changbin chuckles, putting his bowl in the sink. "Sure." He pats Chan's shoulder before walking out of the kitchen.

Jisung stays seated on the kitchen counter, swinging his legs a little.

Chan sighs. "Come one, baby." He steps between Jisung's legs to pick him up.

Jeongin chuckles, running after Changbin.

Seungmin grabs a bottle of water from the fridge before following the other members.

Jisung wraps his arms around Chan's neck, letting himself get carried to the meeting room.

Minho spins in the desk chair, waiting for everyone to arrive for the meeting.

"Hello hyung." Jeongin runs into the room, excitedly sitting down next to the older.

Minho chuckles. "Hi Foxy, he's letting you join?"

Jeongin proudly nods his head. "I'm part of the team now."

The older hums. "Welcome." He had already known that Chan allowed him to join, as the older one told him earlier but he found it cute how excited Jeongin is.

Changbin sits down next to Jeongin. "Hi hyung."

Chan walks in, dropping Jisung into Minho's lap before sitting down as well.

"Hi." Jisung smiles at Minho, making himself comfortable in the older his lap.

Minho shakes his head. "Hi."

"Seungmin, did you print the papers I asked for?" Chan turns to the younger.

"Yeah, 6 times, just like you asked." Seungmin hands everyone a piece of paper.

Changbin frowns, looking over the paper. "So what's the mission."

"Killing someone."

Jeongin's eyes widen, looking at the others.

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