June 19th

66 8 34

June 19th, 2018

(warning: potential forced sex.)

Ryeo groans as he gets pushed against the wall in an alley next to the school campus, looking up at Sang-Ook. "Hyung-"

Sang-Ook pushes him into the wall harder. "Shut up." He leans closer, grabbing the younger boy's chin and kisses him.

Ryeo tries to push Sang-Ook away from him.

The older puts his thigh between Ryeo's legs. "Fucking take it."

"N-no." Ryeo turns his head to the side, not wanting to do any of this, this time. "I have class." He struggles against the older his grip, just wanting to leave.

"We have a fucking deal." Sang-Ook pushes his thigh against the younger.

Ryeo roughly bites his lip, not wanting to let the older get what he wants.

Suddenly Sang-Ook gets pulled away from Ryeo, a taller boy standing before the teen. "Leave him the fuck alone."

Sang-Ook glares at the male. "Mind your fucking business. We're just having some fun."

Ryeo whimpers, holding his breath.

The male in front of him scoffs, glaring at Sang-Ook. "Fuck off."

Sang-Ook looks at Ryeo. "I'll text you."

The younger shivers, knowing he will regret this but nods, not wanting to anger the older any further.

"You okay?"

Ryeo nods, bowing at the person. "Yeah, I'm fine, hyung. Thank you."

Suhng-Han shakes his head. "Why do you keep meeting up with him?"

The younger shrugs.

"Stop doing this shit." Suhng-Han sighs, grabbing Ryeo's arm to pull him out of the alley.

Ryeo just follows Suhng-Han, knowing what he is doing is fucked up.

Suhng-Han looks at the younger, wondering why he keeps getting himself in those kinds of situations. It wasn't the first time he had to pull someone off the other, only this time the guy was trying to get into his pants rather than wanting to punch Ryeo in the face.

Ryeo sighs. "I should go to class, thank you, hyung."

"Yeah, see you later. Stay out of trouble."

The younger nods, waving before running to his class as he is about to be late.

Suhng-Han shakes his head, walking to his car.

"Suhng-Han?" So-Yung looks up as she sees the boy enter the hospital room. "Why are you here?"

The boy smiles, closing the door behind him. "My classes are cancelled, so I thought I would come to visit."

So-Yung smiles at the boy. "That's sweet of you. Sunny had to go to the bathroom, the nurse is helping her."

Suhng-Han hums, placing his bag down next to the bed. "How is she?"

"Hanging in there, she's upset she's losing her hair though. So we decided to cut it short."

The boy hums, sitting down next to her. "Are they seeing any improvement?"

So-Yung shakes her head. "Not yet, we're nearly finished with this round and they're letting her go home for a bit."

"That's a good thing."

The door of the bathroom opens, revealing a tired-looking Ha-Sun and a nurse.
Ha-Sun's eyes widen when she sees her brother sitting next to her mother. "Hani!" She pulls on the nurse's hand, wanting to get to him quickly.

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