Introducing Stray Kids

451 19 7

April 23rd 2018

The flickering lights cast a shadow over the abandoned storefronts, the shattered glass crunching underneath their feet as they run through the long-forgotten corridors of the abandoned mall. Chan looks back as his heart pounds in his chest from running, adrenaline spiking as he notices the figures shining their flashlights around trying to find them.

"This way." He pulls Minho into an old clothing store. The two of them run to the back of the store, hiding behind the register, hoping that the people following them walk passed.

Minho is breathing heavily next to him, hand holding onto his gun tightly, ready to shoot when needed. "They didn't tell us this shit."

Chan looks over the register, trying to see if the others have passed them yet. "They couldn't have known."

Minho rolls his eyes as he pulls Chan down. "Stay low." He had heard voices coming their way, informing him the enemy is still close.

Chan sighs, looking at his watch to try and figure out how to get out of the mall without them getting spotted.

"Hyung, they're right in front of the store. The store has a back door that leads you right to the stairs."

Minho groans when he hears Jisung's voice through the earpiece, they had told him to sleep and not bother helping with this mission. "J..."

"I know, I know, I don't care."

"J where do we go?" Chan rolls his eyes, deciding not to fight with the younger right now as they can clearly use his help right now.

"The door is behind the curtain."

Minho frowns, slowly moving towards the curtain, making sure to stay down so that no one can see him moving. He freezes when he hears voices right outside of the clothing store he and Chan are hiding in.

Chan's eyes widen, biting his lip hoping that they soon leave again.

Footsteps come closer to the register, the voices getting clearer. The lights of the flashlights shining through the store, clearly searching for movement. Chan and Minho stay still, both hoping that they will leave, thinking no one is there.

"This is clear." A low voice mumbles, turning his back to the register.

The taller figure shines his light at the register once again before nodding. "I guess so."

The two male figures make their way out of the clothing store, giving Chan and Minho a chance to catch their breath.

Minho carefully makes his way to the curtain, pulling it to the side to check if Jisung is right. "Door is here." He looks back at Chan, who quietly follows the younger through the door.

"You have to go right."

Chan and Minho carefully move to the staircase, looking around to make sure no one is following them.

They follow Jisung's directions, managing to get out of the mall without getting spotted by the other group looking for them.

Minho sighs, dropping the bag he had been carrying on his back onto the backseat of the car.

Chan gets behind the wheel, leaning his head against the headrest as he lets out a groan.

"This was ridiculously difficult," Minho mutters, checking his phone and texting Changbin they're on their way home.

Chan starts the car. "We made it out." He drives them back home, taking the long road as he doesn't want anyone to follow them. 

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