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April 14th, 2018

Running, that's all that he does, running to get to the finish line before anyone else. He has to come first, be the first one to cross that line. He has to be the one crossing the line before anyone else that's running behind him. Getting first is what he has to do. He keeps running, step by step, getting closer to that line. Breathing is getting harder with every second that passes by. Finally, finally, he can see the finish line, it's just a few more steps. He knows he is in the lead, the one that is going to win, he has to win. He falls to his knees as he passes the finish line, exhausted. Looking to his side, he sees someone else cheering. The realization hits him, he didn't win, he lost again, lost once again. He was leading the whole race, yet he still lost.

His opponent walks over with a smile on his face, holding out his hand to congratulate him on getting second place. "You're fast."

He forces a smile, not wanting to be seen as rude. "Thanks, so are you." He hadn't even seen the other run, he doesn't know when or how the other ran past him, he just knows, he didn't come first. He slowly pushes himself to stand up, knowing he has to walk to the podium to receive a medal he could care less for. Second place isn't good enough, nothing is good enough if it isn't first place. He doesn't want to get up onto the podium but he can't disrespect his school or the other runners.

A fake smile plastered on his face as his name gets called for second place. A fake smile as he receives the silver medal, a fake smile as they take a picture of the runners on the podium but no one seems to notice and he likes to keep it that way, he doesn't need people to know he isn't happy. No one has to know what will happen once he gets home. His eyes had scanned the crowd while he was on the podium, he had seen the disappointed look he had gotten from his father, had seen the man leave without even congratulating him.

Yang Jung-Woo looks at his son with pure disappointment, shaking his head at the boy.

Jeongin doesn't dare look up from his bowed position, just wanting for his father to say something.

"Second place." Is all that Jung-Woo says, turning his back to his second son.

"I tried, I really tried." Jeongin looks up. "I promise I can do better."

Jung-Woo shakes his head. "You didn't win. Pack your bags, you're not welcome here until you win."

Jeongin looks at his father in shock, surprised he was actually serious when he said that a few weeks ago. He thought the man was just threatening him to make him work even harder to win. "Wh-at?"

"You're not welcome in my house until you win." Jung-Woo states, leaving the boy behind in the hallway.

Jeongin stares at where his father was standing, slowly making his way to his tiny bedroom. He grabs his suitcase, filling it with as many things as he can fit. He looks at his room, bidding it farewell before leaving. He leaves a note on his bed to inform his mother and brothers that he is leaving, and not being sure when or if he will return this time.

Jisung frowns as he looks at his phone, rereading the message that he just received from his friend. He quickly gets up from the couch, grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going?" Minho looks up from his laptop, watching Jisung get up.

"Just going for a ride." Jisung mutters as he puts on his boots.

Minho raises an eyebrow, wondering what kind of text the 17-year-old could have gotten that made him get up so quickly. "Be careful."

Jisung nods, grabbing his helmet before leaving the house.

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