Honey or Hani?

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"So you are dating someone." Hyejin raises an eyebrow.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to. But what is going on? You've been looking around suspiciously ever since Jini took away your phone." Eun-ji frowns.

Suhng-Han's eyes widen. "Duck!"

A loud explosion goes off close by in one of the stores, glass panels of the surrounding stores shatter, bedris flying all over the place.

Eun-ji lets out a scream at the loud noise. She quickly lets herself fall from her chair, grabbing the knife hidden underneath her dress in case she needs to protect herself.

"What the fuck?" Hyejin mutters under her breath, looking at the smoke that the explosion caused.

Suhng-Han sighs, moving closer to Eun-Ji. "We should stay here."

Eun-ji looks at Suhng-Han in shock. "What's going on? How can you be so calm?"

"There is going to be another explosion. We should stay here, so we don't run into them..."

Before he can finish his sentence they can hear gunshots coming from the right of them, where the first explosion had been.

Eun-ji flinches a little, moving closer to Suhng-Han. "There will be another explosion?" She mumbles while wiping off some liquid from her cheek.

"Not the time for questions. Jini, I need my phone."

Hyejin hands Suhng-Han his phone back, grabbing her gun. "You better have a good explanation."

"I only have my knife..." Eun-ji grabs the handle tighter.

Suhng-Han scans through his texts, cursing slightly.

"We will protect you, Juni." Hyejin gives the younger a reassuring smile.

"Not necessary. I'm more upset about my dress being dirt now and the ear damage I will have from this." Eun-ji glares at Suhng-Han before coughing from the dust that is flying around.

"Suhng-Han, who are they?" Hyejin glares at the boy as well, wanting to know who is behind the explosion and the shooting that is happening right now.

"Stray Kids."

"Shit..." Eun-ji mutters. "You knew about this happening and you still came here?"

"I just fou..." Suhng-Han's eyes widen as someone falls to the ground right in front of them, getting shot from behind as they tried to run from whoever was chasing them.

Eun-ji freezes, staring at the now lifeless body in front of them.

Hyejin pulls Eun-ji closer. "Don't look."

Suhng-Han takes his gun out, quickly loading it up. "We could leave through the east wing of the mall."

"No, we're not risking Juni getting shot." Hyejin glares at Suhng-Han.

"That's a dead body..." Eun-ji mumbles, still looking at the body.

Hyejin tries to make Eun-ji look away from the body, noticing two armed and masked figures walking closer to them.

Suhng-Han carefully points his gun at them, just in case he needs to shoot them to protect his friends.

Eun-ji hides her shaky hands after accidentally dropping her knife.

One of the armed males looks to the side, dropping a piece of paper on the ground while staring at Eun-ji.

Eun-ji's eyes snap at Suhng-Han before she looks up at the males. She freezes when she makes eye contact with one of them.

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