Side story [5]

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1 week later –

Pearson International Airport –

"Oooh it's a different kinda cold here," Hwang Yon-gu, AKA potato said as they exited the immigration and is currently walking side-by-side with his fiancé, Choi Heesung, who is pouting because Jaekyung isn't replying to his texts so he can pick them up.

"Why can't he just meet us in Hong Kong as I asked? Why he gotta drag us here to meet and talk?" Heesung complained and kept pouting, "it's not like I won't pay for his business class seats," he murmured.

"Because unlike you, I don't have the luxury to travel wherever I want anymore, I have a kid," Jaekyung spoke from behind them, he's carrying Hwangje in his arm and his other hand held Dan's.

"Doc Dan-hyung!" potato squealed and let go of Heesung's hand to run over and hug Dan.

"Yoon-gu!" Dan cooed as well and the two bottoms hugged each other.

"I missed you! Why did you leave?! Why did you not inform me too?!"

"I know, I know... I'm sorry,"

Heesung continued to pout, "it's not like I can't pay for his ticket too, I'm having a 3 week honeymoon getaway across 7 countries in Europe, I can afford 3 tickets!" he kept whining.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jaekyung snapped at him, hugging the baby close.

"Both of you shut up," Dan said as he took the baby from Jaekyung, "you both are scaring my baby," he said and he introduced Hwangje to potato, "say hi to uncle yoon-gu, jeje,"

"Whoooaaa! He looks so much like Jaekyung-hyung, it's amazing!" potato said, "can I?" he asked to carry him. Dan nodded and gave the baby to potato, gushing over the little child.

"Don't worry honey, we have 3 weeks to make our own baby across Europe," Heesung purred at potato's ear, making his fiancé blush.

"Eugh god, get a fucking room!" Jaekyung scowled and snatched his baby from potato.

Heesung laughed and potato pouted, Dan hit Jaekyung's arm when he snatched Hwangje from potato.


The couples left the airport, Jaekyung drives while Dan shot a text to Anthony and Steven to meet them at a Japanese restaurant where they will properly introduce Heesung and Yoon-gu to them, and to also inform them they will be their plus one for their upcoming wedding in 2 months' time.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant, Jaekyung made prior reservation and booked a private room to dine in with, they were escorted to their place and were served appetizers and drinks.

"I can't believe you are that rare doc, I envy you..." potato said, "you've had a biological kid with Jaekyung-hyung... that's probably never gonna happen to me," he added.

"Of course you ain't having any biological kid with Jaekyung, I'm your fiancé, I'll be the one to give you biological kids," Heesung interjected

Potato glared at him, "that's not what I meant, you... stupid mutt!" he scowled.

Heesung laughed, "what? It's true, we can have our own if you want... I mean... IVF is a thing..." he said with his raised hands, potato just rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, are we late?" Steven said as he entered with Anthony following him.

"Not at all, come in," Dan said as he welcomed them in.

"Ooh, are these your new friends here? You two look good together," Heesung teased.

"We're not—"

"Why thank you, and congratulations on the upcoming wedding by the way," Steven said, pulling a seat out for Anthony.

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