Chapter 34

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Dan woke up to a warm feeling around his body, looking up to find Jaekyung holding him close, still cuddling him. He smiled and tucked himself close and cuddled the bigger man close too. He successfully convinced Jaekyung to join him on the bed again last night.

Yesterday was their last day exploring New York, they went to many places again; they visited the Museum of Modern Art, drove to the Brooklyn Aquarium, had another picnic lunch in Shore Road like Jessica suggested, shopped at Target, visited the Chinatown to buy souvenirs for Steven, Anthony and his friends at the hospital, and finally driving back to Brooklyn again to go to Brooklyn bridge to watch the sunset together.

Dan blushed as the sunset in Brooklyn Bridge is probably the most romantic one for him, the view of the sunset as well as their heartfelt conversation as yesterday;

Yesterday, Brooklyn Bridge –

"Time really do flew by so fast," Jaekyung suddenly spoke between their silence while on the bridge.


"In about 3 weeks, the two months proposal I laid out will be over," Jaekyung said, letting out a small chuckle to mask his sadness, "I will soon know... if I need to start packing my bags or stay..."

Dan blinked, staring at him.

"This has been amazing," Jaekyung said and looked at Dan, "I have something to be thankful for, I had the time of my life with you... I rediscovered you and learned so much about you... I also... learned my lessons now," he said before he looked down at the river below the bridge, "when the two months end... and you said no and chase me away... it will be the greatest lesson in my life, to never ever take advantage of people... and to value someone that truly loves you..." he said.

Dan looked down at the river too, pondering on those words.

"I've learned my lessons now, only its useless... because I will not apply those lessons anymore," Jaekyung added.

"Then... just maybe take care of and love the next person with all you have," Dan muttered.

"There's no next person..." Jaekyung replied, "you're the only one I want," he said, eyes still only fixated on the river as if counting the waves.

Dan whipped his head to look at Jaekyung, unable to say anything as he is speechless.

Jaekyung exhaled sadly but he gave a smile, "it's okay... I never really envisioned myself to be with anyone anyways," he joked to lighten the mood, then he chuckled again.

Dan bit his lower lip and stared back down at the river again, "you don't know that..." he murmured, "there's still 3 weeks, its not over yet... a lot can happen in 3 weeks, you don't need to be so negative," he added.

Jaekyung nodded, "I know... I just wanted to prepare myself for the worst," he said, "after all... I did all those nasty things to you, I took you for granted, I held you hostage with money, I abused you nonstop every day..." he said, "I never had a good record in your books..." he murmured and looked down, "I have a slim chance of winning this fight, I know that enough... I just wanna prepare for what I will do once I lose," he said and chuckled again, he had been laughing at himself a lot, "can I just get postcards at least? I'm sure seeing your handwriting isn't gonna be too much to ask, right?" he joked again and laughed, this is his way of fighting the urge to break down and cry.

Dan snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Jaekyung slowly letting go of him and getting up, "good morning," he greeted and he sat up too.

Jaekyung smiled and kissed Dan's forehead, "good morning too," he said and he got up from the bed to wash his face, "I'll order room service now so we can get breakfast, our check out time is 10am," he said.

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