Chapter 35

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Dan's whole body felt like it weakened and he was about to fall over, but he tried his best to appear normal. His family; his uncle and cousin, all innocent and unaware of everything, and he needs to keep it that way.

Anthony tried his best to recover and ran his way towards them, "uncle Kim! Jung!" he called, "how are you?" he said, using his own person to shield Dan and Jaekyung from them.

"Anthony!" Jung exclaimed happily and went to hug him, "long time no see!" he said before pulling away.

Anthony chuckled, "doing good, doing good..." he said and gave them the paper bag of Tupperware with cookies in them, meant to be for Dan and Steven, "uhm... here... I brought this here and I baked them myself, cause... cause I heard you're gonna drop by to bring jeje back," he said before taking the baby from Jung.

"Oh thank you!" "Thank you Anthony..."

"So... I'll take it from here, uhm... Dan..." Anthony said as he held the baby and eyed Dan, "Dan had just landed from New York... he was tired and... and he's currently having a guest," he said, "we'll catch up when we drop by your place soon,"

"Oooh! You're gonna come by the neighborhood too?" Jung asked.

"Yep! I'm gonna drop by my parent's house too which is in the same neighborhood as yours, gotta see them before my flight to LA next week," Anthony said.

With that, Anthony managed to divert their attention from Dan and Jaekyung and managed to (respectfully) shoo them back home, meanwhile he sighed and turned around to face the two stunned couple.

Anthony soon made his way over to Dan, "can you make it or should he stay with me tonight?" he asked, asking about the baby.

Dan closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply.

"Dan?" an almost inaudible voice said, Jaekyung remained standing on the same spot, "is..." he said, choking on the words, "what is...?" he said before his eyes landed on the baby again.

Dan exhaled and took the baby from Anthony before he made his way to Jaekyung, "I know I can't keep this from you forever," he said, looking up at Jaekyung, "sir..." he said but then he shook his head, might as well drop the pleasantries now, "Jaekyung... meet Kim Hwangje, our son," he said and stared directly at Jaekyung's eyes, "I gave birth to him, a year and 8 months ago," he added.

Jaekyung's eyes widened before he looked at the baby again, he was much closer now and he just now realized how much the baby's features are very similar to him.


"Good thing he had his cot at least..." Anthony said and sighed, "I'll... I'm gonna go pack his things now... just in case..." he said.

Dan sighed as well, "thank you so much, Anthony... I really don't know what I'll do without you..." he said.

Anthony stared at him worried, "good luck..." he said then turned around and made his way back home.

Dan sighed and waved him goodbye before he close the door of his apartment. Upon turning around, he found Jaekyung trying to reach for the baby's tiny hand, his own hand much bigger than the infant's.


"1 year and 8 months..." Jaekyung started, "that's how long you have been staying here... so you probably left Seoul... when you were around 2 months..." he murmured then looked up at Dan, his own black eyes void and unreadable, "...right?" he added as he looked back down on the baby.

Dan gulped and he made his way to the couch where Jaekyung sat, "that's right..." he murmured, "I didn't know... I knew of it when we both got our physical exam, it was why I have been feeling sick that time," he started, Jaekyung didn't speak as he just listened, "the doctor said, I was genetically rare as I am sexually fluid, meaning I have both male and female reproductive organs, although my male one is more dominant and my female ones are dormant, awakened by the... the..." he stuttered, "the... frequent sex we did before..."

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